  • 學位論文


Effect of Heat Treatment on Cutting Efficiency of Ni-Ti Endodontic Rotary Instrument

指導教授 : 單秋成


提升抗斷裂能力與切削效率是鎳鈦旋轉器械重要評估項目,而提升切削效率的方式除了改變鎳鈦旋轉器械外型的設計,也可以針對材料做各種不同的處理方式,以提升切削效率。因為熱處理退火方式可以消除冷加工所留下的殘留應力、增加材料延展性和韌性,再加上超深冷處理對於多種材料在耐磨耗性、使用壽命與此尺寸穩定性均有提升的效用,因此本文對鎳鈦旋轉器械作不同的熱處理方式,再分批進行超深冷處理。利用本實驗室現有的切削試驗機台評估不同熱處理方式對鎳鈦根管銼切削效率的影響,並且透過DSC、硬度實驗、靜態彎曲實驗探討不同熱處理方式對鎳鈦根管銼的變化。 結果顯示,當熱處理溫度為400℃時,之後再進行超深冷處理,對於切削效率的並沒有太大的提升作用,而當熱處理溫度為600℃,之後再進行超深冷處理,對於切削效率則有明顯的提升。


Cutting efficiency and cyclic fatigue resistance are both important requirement of Ni-Ti endodontic rotary instruments. To improve cutting efficiency, there have been attempts to change shape as well as fabrication procedures or attempts to change the material property. It is well know that annealing can relieve residual stress by cold working and improve the material toughness and ductility. Furthermore it is also well know that cryogenic treatment can improve the wear-resistance, dimensional stability and usable life of tool steels. This study investigated the effect of heat treatment combines with cryogenic treatment on the cutting efficiency of Ni-Ti endodontic rotary instruments. We also found that the phase transition temperature, the stiffness and the hardness will be affected by the different heat treatments. Finally, we found the cutting efficiency is not improvement when the heat treatment at 400℃ combines with cryogenic treatment, but it is improvement when the heat treatment at 600℃ combines with cryogenic treatment.


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