  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Grassroots Environmental NGO “Friends of Nature” with its Implication to Civil Society in China

指導教授 : 林子倫


國家與社會關係的轉變、全球公民社會的形成、非政府組織(NGO)於各國間的運作情形,一直是政治學者與公共行政界反覆思索的核心。由於環境問題在全球成為迫切的議題,中國自1978年後躍升為開發中大國,高度經濟發展後的環境問題便使中國面臨嚴重考驗。因此,在中國特殊政治體制下,公民社會的形成與環境非政府組織的興起,即為各界所關注。 本論文由國家與社會關係途徑切入,回顧公民社會的興起及其意涵,聚焦於中國環境NGO的形成與運作,以中國第一個草根環境NGO「自然之友」為研究標的,藉由理論回顧,以及筆者赴北京進行的深度訪談和參與觀察,探討:(1)自然之友的組織體制及其內部運作情況為何;(2)自然之友如何與其他環境NGO進行合作互動;(3)自然之友對中國公民社會而言,具有何種意涵。 本論文指出,在中國特殊政體下,社會組織的形成囿限於各種法令規範,其中以登記註冊的法定地位為最大限制。而今,第一家草根環境NGO「自然之友」由掛靠地位的「社會團體」,轉型為獨立註冊之「民辦非企業」。其落實組織自主性,於資金來源、人力資源、與政府互動關係,以及項目運作等面向,並且皆以獨立組織的角度進行戰略規劃。因此,「自然之友」組織制度結構的完善為中國其他環境NGO學習對象。此外,中國草根環境NGO間形成合作網絡,面對中國層出不窮的環境問題,發揮組織專擅能力,同時與政府、企業和民眾建立互動關係。最後,「自然之友」的組織制度、會員制,以及其對環境領域的影響力,對中國公民社會的形塑具其意涵。 本論文認為,中國發展進程,國家社會關係轉變影響社會組織的發展。同時,環境NGO興起反映國際壓力與社會力量的展現。自然之友作為中國第一家草根環境NGO,在國家與社會關係中找尋發展空間,並從中擴大公民社會的參與意涵。其於組織架構與發展層面皆因應環境而調整。此外,草根環境NGO興起,合作網絡的形成亦是中國社會於環境力量的展現。面對中國特有政體,環境NGO的行為方式與公民社會的形成相互型塑。中國國家與社會關係的轉變、有無公民社會、NGO如何運作以及其對公民社會的意涵,皆須以中國歷史脈絡為前提,反覆思索與審視。


中國 環境NGO 公民社會 自然之友


The state-society relationship, global civil society and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have long been the focus of political science and public administration. China, as a developing country, faced increasing environmental problems when pursuing high speed economic growth. Due to its special political regime and institution in China, how the civil society was formed and how environmental NGOs got stronger have caught scholars’ attention. This thesis starts with the state-society relationship, concerning about the evolution of China’s civil society and its implications, and specifically focuses on environmental NGOs in China. This thesis chooses ‘Friends of Nature’, the first grassroots environmental NGO in China, as the object of the study. Through the in-depth interviews and participant observation in Beijing, three questions were proposed. First, what the organization structure is for “Friends of Nature”? Secondly, how the governmental operates and interacts with ‘Friends of Nature and environmental NGOs. Lastly, what the implication that ‘Friends of Nature’ for China's civil society are. This thesis indicates that due to the special political regime and institution, social organizations in China are restrained by the law, especially by the law of registration. Nowadays, the first grassroots environmental NGO “Friends of Nature” transformed its type from social organization to “min ban fei chi ye”. The transformation signifies the self-governing of the organization, financial situation, human resources, the relationship with governments and the projects. “Min ban fei chi ye” can prevent the developing strategies from the government’s control. Also because its well-established structure, ‘Friends of Nature’ sets up an example for other environmental NGOs to follow. In addition, in order to solve environmental deteriorations, the cooperation network of grassroots environmental NGOs has been built up, including the linking to the governments, enterprises and citizens. Finally, “Friends of Nature” shows its implications on the organization framework, membership and its influence on environmental sphere. These factors carry meaningful implications to civil society in China. The thesis argues that the rising influence of NGOs and civil society has been shaped by the special political regime and system in China. On the whole, environmental NGOs were discussed in terms of state-society relationship. The civil society, the model of NGOs’ characters and their implications on civil society, researchers should remember that the historical factor is always the presuppositions.


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