  • 學位論文


Ecological Adaptation and Design Strategies of Er-Chong Floodway under Climate Change Impact

指導教授 : 蔡厚男


因應全球氣候變遷與及城市區域化所產生的效應,加上有關生態、永續、景觀等觀念的普世化,城市中的生活環境品質逐漸備受人們所重視。在面對氣候變遷所帶來的衝擊,空間規畫設計者對於城市的規劃設計必須提出最佳的調適方案以便可以有充分的準備讓城市的災害降到最低。因全球暖化造成海水上升,加上暴雨使得許多低海拔或是低窪的城市地區面臨被海水淹沒與洪患的危機,而濕地的建置可作為對海水上升和洪水的緩衝地帶,同時也是一項重要的綠色基礎設施。本研究從濕地復育的角度探討未來新北市行水區二重疏洪道濕地公園的建設。透過濕地的復育與建設,明智土地使用(wise use)及營造都會區濕地廊道的方式,並以新時代潮流理念進行濕地的生態設計。最後,以社區為基礎的自然資源管理的新興管理模型,結合地方認同進行經營及維護管理,透過社區民眾和資源使用者的參與來促使濕地的永續發展,具體實踐濕地的環境與社會功能。


By the impact of climate change and the regional urbanization, quality of life in urban increasingly highly valued by the people, the city's planner and designer must make the best adjustment programs in order to have sufficient preparation to minimize the city's disaster. Global warming cause the rising of sea levels, heavy rain in urban lead to make many low-lying coastal areas will face submerged crisis, in addition, the city's storm also caused to flooding of low lying urban areas. Therefore, wetlands is an important green infrastructure that to be a buffer zone to reduce the flooded crisis. This thesis investigated the I-Chong flood diversion in Taipei (re)turned to wetland, through the wetlands conservation and restoration, wise use and creation of wetlands ecological corridor by using the new trend concept of planning and design. Finally, community-based natural resource management, a new management model, combined with local self-evidence for operation and maintenance and management, through community participation in the public and resource users to promote the sustainable development of wetlands, the concrete practice of the wetland environment and social function.


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