  • 學位論文


The Study on Perspective of Creating Shared Value to Enhance Business Effectiveness: A Case Study of Eye Care Campaign of Pharmaceutical A

指導教授 : 陳家聲


企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility,簡稱 CSR)近年來已成為國際社會衡量企業的指標之一。在過去,企業唯一的社會責任就是增加利潤,時至今日,對於企業的期待,不僅僅只在追求股東利潤的極大化,更要兼顧所有企業利害關係人(stakeholders)的福利,乃至社會價值的創造。 CSR與企業獲利不是零和取捨,也並非是相互衝突。如何將CSR連結企業核心價值(Core Value)與核心能力(Core Competence),以策略性觀點轉化為企業成長契機,將是當今企業所必須關切的議題。正如國際策略大師麥可.波特(2011)所言,將執行CSR策略落實為企業經營的核心理念,將可創造企業與社會共享的新價值。 本研究採質性研究之個案研究法,根據過往CSR相關研究文獻,並引用麥可.波特所提出「創造共享價值 (Creating Shared Value)」新觀點,透過「A藥廠護眼衛教宣導活動」個案研究,探討面對當今人口老化所衍生的眼疾照護議題,企業如何應用CSR與企業策略相結合,在提升企業績效同時亦能創造社會共享價值;並藉此了解個案在策略性CSR的實務作為,以提供企業未來在擬定CSR計畫時的參考。 本研究結果顯示,經由CSR與企業核心價值及能力進行連結並形成策略,協助改善現有的社會問題,有助於企業在競爭的環境中與社會達成雙贏;並促使企業秉持「共享」觀念來履行社會責任,在共享中創造新價值。


CSR in recent years has become one of the company measuring indicators in international society. In the past, increasing profit was the only corporate social responsibility. Today, apart from maximizing profits for shareholders, people expect companies to show concern about the benefits of all stakeholders and create social value. CSR and corporate profitability are not a zero-sum game and do not conflict with each other. How to link up CSR with the core value and core competence of the company and transform them into the opportunity for business growth in strategic terms is an issue that companies nowadays must consider. As the international strategy expert Michael Porter said, enforcing CSR strategies to the core concept of business operation will create new values shared by companies and society. This qualitative study investigated how companies integrate CSR with corporate strategies to create shared value while enhancing operation performance with case study on an eye care campaign organized by Pharmaceutical A in terms of CSR literature review and the idea “creating shared value” (CSV) proposed by Porter, in order to understand the actions of strategic CSR practice of the subject and to provide a reference for companies to draw up CSR plans in the future. The results of this study showed that integrating CSR with the core value and competence of companies, and forming strategies with outcomes to help solving existing social problems can benefit companies to create a win-win scenario with society in the competitive environment. Also, this will urge companies to perform CSR with the “sharing” concept and create new value from sharing.


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