  • 學位論文


The Effects of Citizen Participatory Design to Place Attachment

指導教授 : 鄭佳昆


在許多景觀公共空間規劃案中常引入民眾參與設計,希望這些民眾能藉由擁有參與活動的經驗,對活動發生的地點及對其地區能產生較高的地方依附感。地方依附相關理論中也常提到個人的經驗與記憶會影響人對地方的情感連結,但記憶及經驗在人的生命歷程中是一種動態的變化,因此本次研究希望能深入探討經驗與記憶如何影響民眾的地方依附感。 本研究之研究案例為臺灣第一個民眾參與公園規劃設計案,民國78年宜蘭縣冬山河親水公園規劃設計案中,挑選宜蘭縣內國小及幼稚園的學童參與河岸看台馬賽克拼貼活動,期許他們在長大後能對公園及其家鄉有較高的認同感。研究者以滾雪球法找到當年曾經參與此活動之民眾並與之聯繫,取得同意後進行訪談。 先前曾以實證研究證實這些參與的民眾在20年後相較於相同社經背景的民眾有較高的地方依附感,本研究針對參與民眾進行深入訪談,藉由質性訪談將這些民眾的經驗記憶再詮釋,進一步瞭解民眾參與的經驗及記憶,在民眾的生命歷程中帶來如何的影響,而他們與地方的連結,又是如何被加強及深化。 在對15位受訪者進行深入訪談後,將訪談內容錄音轉成逐字稿,依照受訪者對曾經參加過此活動的經驗重述、對冬山河親水公園的情感描述和對家鄉宜蘭的關係進行整理及討論。研究發現曾經參與過冬山河親水公園的鑲嵌拼貼活動的經驗對受訪者而言是在冬山河親水公園裡一項很重要的回憶,在這當中,受訪者對自己當年所創作的作品十分看重,由於有作品被固定在公共空間內,讓這個經驗變得更加特別。然而在這二十年來,初始的參與經驗會受到後續的經驗而有所改變,像是受訪者的重訪互動、接受本研究訪談時的「再回憶」、以及與家人、朋友相關的互動等等都會讓參與經驗經過堆疊後,影響了他們對於這個經驗的看法,也會影響有關地方的記憶和情感連結。 最後本研究對於設計規劃單位給予一些建議。因為對參與者的重要性,故需選擇耐用且不容易被破壞的材料,才能真正留下永久的紀念。同時也鼓勵規劃單位在舉辦這類型的活動後,可以有一些後續的活動,增加參與者和自己的作品以及同伴的互動,能讓參與經驗更豐富。另外,對於地方形象的塑造以及整體榮譽感的建構也能影響民眾對地方的看法,如此一來能更有效的達到規劃設計目標,增強民眾的地方依附感。


地方依附 參與式設計 經驗 記憶


Citizen participation was arranged into many public landscape design and planning projects to improve people’s attachment to the places. This kind of practice had been generally recognized, but only a few researches have tackled this issue to confirm the effects of participatory design on place attachment. Studies have mentioned that place attachment is influenced by people's experiences and memories. But memories and experiences change dynamically in a person’s whole life. As a result, the main purpose of this study is to understand how experiences affect people's place attachment in a long time. Dong-Shan River Park planning project was choose as the study site. The project was held in 1989 as the studying case. It is the first participatory design project of public space in Taiwan. Many local elementary school and kindergarten students were invited in the project to decorate the river bank with mosaic collage. Snowball sampling technique was used to find 15 participants who had involved in the mosaic collage activity 20 years ago that accepted an in-depth interview. In a previous empirical study we had proved that these participants have higher place attachment in caparison with other people with the same social background after 20 years. The current study focused on in-depth interview with the participants, and re-interpreted these people’s experiences and memories by the qualitative interview to know more about how these experiences and memories affect their lives and how the emotional bonding between the place and they are strengthen and deepen. After having in-depth interviews with 15 respondents, we converted the records into transcript. We arrange and discuss about the relation between the participants and Dong-Shan River Park and I-Lan County according to their descriptions. We discover that the experiences of joining this activity is a very important memory for these respondents. And the respondents attach importance to their artifacts since they think that their pieces were fixed in the public space makes the experience more special. However, during the 20 years, the re-visit, the re-memorizing during the interview in this study, and the related interactions among the participants and their families and friends plus the initial participating experience all affect their emotional bonding with the place. Lastly, we provided some suggestions to the planning and design organizations. Because of the importance to the participants, they should choose durable materials that are not easy to be broken so that it can definitely make permanent memories. In the mean while, we encourage that the planning and design authorities can hold some follow-up activities after this type of activities to increase the interaction among the participants and their own artifact and other coworkers, and improve the popularity of the place. By doing so, the experience of participation can be enriched, and the goal to strengthen the participants’ place attachment can be achieved easier.


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