  • 學位論文


The Study of Sr. Management’s personal perception, preference & consumer behavior with wine

指導教授 : 黃崇興


由於台灣是一個島國,所有主要的經濟活動,幾乎都是以貿易型態為主。雖然在這些外貿活動中,接觸的是不同國家、不同國籍的人,但是在這些國際性的商業場合中,不論是一般的應酬,餐前的happy hour,還是正式的餐會上,葡萄酒幾乎都是這些餐飲場合中的主角之一。此外,台灣在1979年開放國人出國觀光,1987年,開放葡萄酒進口,加上台灣過去四、五十年來,整體經濟環境的改變,國民所得的提高,這些林林種種的因素,直接與間接的提昇了國人的消費能力與觀念,也改變了部分的生活型態。 然而當葡萄酒已經進入了我們的生活時,對經理人或專業人士來說,當他進入了一個提供葡萄酒當佐餐酒的餐廳時,如何選出一支適當的葡萄酒,仍是一個困難的任務。而主要的原因在於葡萄酒是全球性的低酒精飲料,因此從傳統的歐陸國家到新世界的移民,同時間都釀製了大量的葡萄酒。加上全球有超過30個主要的葡萄品種,而葡萄酒又分為紅酒、白酒、香檳等,形成每個消費者都有著無數的選擇。 回頭看台灣的葡萄酒市場,以去年為例,光是葡萄酒的進口國就31個,若再加上台灣本土生產,共有32個國家。如果在選擇葡萄酒時,我們把不同的品種,不同的釀製方式,不同的生產國、不同的生產區,再加上不同的製造商等,所有的因素通通考量進來,葡萄酒可以產生的加乘選項是複雜且驚人的。而當經理人進入餐廳之後,在選用搭配用餐的葡萄酒時,還必須考慮當天的餐點,客人的喜好,預算的考量。但是當他開始看餐廳所提供的酒單時,他將面對的是不同的葡萄品種、不同的產區、國別、不同釀製商所產生的碩大且驚人的組合,而這時,該如何挑出一支適合當晚情境的葡萄酒時,對一般的經理人將是一大挑戰。 而本研究希望透過問卷的方式,從經理人的生活背景,以及對葡萄酒的認知與偏好,找出一套適合經理人的選酒模式,進而協助經理人達成選酒的任務。


葡萄酒 經理人 問卷 選酒


Since the major business of Taiwan is international trading, the business men would have a lot of chances to visit other countries, like Europe, US,… etc. In such environment, they can easily find the wine is the most important social drink whatever at lunch, dinner, or happy hour. From the others side, the Taiwan People started oversea tour since 1979, the wine were free imported to Taiwan from 1987, plus the GDP significant growth in past 40-50 years, all these has direct or indirect influenced the consumers behavior and change their living style in Taiwan. Although all of these have already changed the living style here, but "how to order a wine in a restaurant?” is still a difficult job to most of business men. The major reason is just because there are too many countries produce wines, whatever the old world or new world. And there are over 30 grapes for red wines, white wines, or sparkling. Just look at the market in Taiwan last year, the wine were imported from 32 countries, if plus the local maker, there would be 33 countries. If we put grapes, the producers, countries, and areas in consideration, the wine selection will be very complicated. If a man walked in the restaurant, besides the above, he also needs to consider the meals, customer’s preference, budget, & etc. The wine selection would be a challenge job for him to pick up a right wine. For this study, we just would like use the questionnaire analysis to identify the Sr. Management’s personal perception, preference, & consumer behavior with wine. And follow the result to develop the wine selection guidance for these managements to help them find the right wine.


wine management questionnaire wine selection


11.黃智彥,生活型態與產品屬性影響消費者購買行為之研究-以彰化縣二林鎮之國產葡萄酒為例,碩士論文,2009.7,page 7,38
2.吳嘉揚, 2009全球化下文化的跨區域轉型研究:以西方葡萄酒文化在臺灣的場域轉變與在地化為案例,碩士論文,page 6


