  • 學位論文


Anxious Emotions and Avoidant Behaviors in Individuals with High Social Anxiety: Self- vs. Other- Viewpoints

指導教授 : 陳淑惠


根據過去社交焦慮(social anxiety)的心理病理模式,認知理論提到對社交互動訊息的注意偏誤和解釋為影響社交焦慮是否發展與維持的重要因子。其中,Clark 和Wells (1995)提出自我關注(self-focused attention)和逃避行為是社交焦慮症的重要維持因子之一。社交焦慮者面對他人相關事件時能以較正面或客觀方式解釋,但面對自身相關事件則傾向用較負向方式解釋。Rapee 和Heimberg (1997)認為除了對自我的負向訊息較為關注,社交焦慮者亦較易注意到社交情境中的負向回饋。近年來,除了害怕負向評價,Weeks等人(2008)進一步提到因負向的自我形象和害怕正向評價帶來的代價,害怕正向評價亦可能為社交焦慮核心病理之一。然而,在社交焦慮疾患的研究領域中,關於社交評價性質(特別是害怕正向評價)和自我相關性之作用機制仍未被實徵探討。因此,本研究主要目的在於探討社交焦慮者採用不同關注點和接受不同性質評價之焦慮和逃避程度,藉以增加對社交焦慮病理的瞭解,以提供後續心理專業介入之參考。 本研究參與者來源為大學部/研究所學生,依照其社交焦慮程度分為高社交焦慮組(n = 157)和一般組(n = 157)。本研究以自編社交情境正負回饋腳本進行施測。腳本的各題項皆要求研究參與者分別關注自我和關注他人受到正向和負向評價後之焦慮和想要逃避的程度。本研究假設: 1)一般組和高社交焦慮組在採用不同的關注點(他人和自我)和受到不同性質(正向和負向)的評價,焦慮情緒和逃避行為會有顯著差異。2)高社交焦慮組在正向評價的情境下,關注自我的焦慮程度顯著高於關注他人;一般組在正向評價的情境下,關注自我和關注他人的焦慮程度則無差異。3)高社交焦慮組在負向評價的情境下,關注自我的焦慮程度顯著高於關注他人;一般組在負向評價的情境下,關注自我的焦慮程度顯著低於關注他人。 本研究結果支持一般組和高社交焦慮組在採用不同的關注焦點(他人和自我)及受到不同性質(正向和負向)的評價,焦慮程度確實有顯著差異。高社交焦慮組在正向評價的情境下,關注自我的焦慮程度顯著高於關注他人;一般組在正向評價的情境下,關注自我和關注他人的焦慮程度無差異。高社交焦慮組在負向評價的情境下,關注自我的焦慮程度顯著高於關注他人;但是一般組在負向評價的情境下,關注自我的焦慮程度顯著低於關注他人。結果顯示社交焦慮對關注自我的社交訊息有解釋偏誤,亦驗證對正向評價之害怕。臨床應用建議部份,直接給予社交焦慮者正向社交回饋,可能並不能直接改善社交焦慮問題,反而帶來焦慮情緒和想要逃避的行為,導致社交焦慮的維持。建議先協助社交焦慮患者瞭解他們對他人回饋的矛盾和瞭解到在評定他人和自我事件時,傾向認為他人表現較好的核心信念後,再教導他們以循序建進的方式自我回饋。後續研究建議探討對正向評價產生焦慮的原因。


According to cognitive theory, attentional and interpretational biases of social interaction cues may lead to the development and maintainance of social anxiety disorder (SAD). Clark and Wells (1995) proposed self-focused attention and safety behaviors as important factors in SAD. Socially anxious individuals tended to be more objective when interpreting other-related social events, but more negative when interpreting self-related social events. Rapee and Heimberg (1997) proclaimed that, besides negative self-focused attention, socially anxious individuals tended to attend to negative feedbacks in social situations. Weeks, et, al. (2008) proposed that fear of positive evaluation could be another core of social anxiety because socially anxious individual have negative self image and worry the cost of positive evaluations. However, the mechanism of valences especially positive evaluation and self-related perspective have not been investigated. This study therefore aimed to explore anxious emotion and avoidant behaviours in response to different viewpoints and valences of evaluations in order to increase our understanding of the psychopathology and clinical intervention of social anxiety. Recruited undergraduate students were divided into high socially anxious (n = 157) and control group (n = 157) based on their social anxious intensity. A measure with positive and negative evaluations of social scenarios was designed. Participants were asked to rate their anxious emotions and avoidant behaviours on each scenario by using self- and other-viewpoints. It was hypothesized that: 1) significant differences of anxious emotions and avoidant behaviours would be noted between socially anxious and control groups when using different viewpoints to respond to social evaluation with different valences; 2) to respond to positive evaluation, socially anxious group using self- viewpoint rather than other- viewpoint may display greater anxious emotions and avoidant behaviours, while no difference will be shown between self-viewpoint and other- viewpoint in control group; 3) to respond to negative evaluation, socially anxious group using self- viewpoint rather than other- viewpoint may display greater anxious emotions and avoidant behaviours, while reverse results will be expected in control group. The results support that: 1) in socially anxious group, greater anxious emotions and avoidant behaviours were shown in response to positive evaluation when using self- viewpoint than other-viewpoint; in control group, however, no differences were resulted. 2) in socially anxious group, greater anxious emotions and avoidant behaviours were also shown in response to negative evaluation when using self- viewpoint than other- viewpoint; in control group, however, reverse pattern was resulted. Results revealed that socially anxious individuals display interpretational bias to self-related social cues. The findings support that fear of positive evaluation may play an important role in the psychopathology of social anxiety. Based on these results, implication for clinical intervention and future research are discussed.


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