  • 學位論文


Identification of The Gap for GPS-Based Dispatching Taxi Service Chain

指導教授 : 張學孔


對於都會區來說,計程車是一項不可或缺的公共運輸工具,其相較於一般的大眾運輸工具,具有方便、舒適、經濟、及門、迅速等特色。近年來由於智慧型衛星派遣計程車的發展,計程車產業的形象已經開始轉型,不論在乘客服務、駕駛員工作效率以及派遣公司營運績效都有很大的突破;然相對於其他服務產業來說,計程車產業在服務品質與營運效益上還是略顯不足,無法帶給乘客和業者更大的附加價值。 有鑑於此,本研究主要以實際使用衛星派遣服務之乘客、同時接受派遣任務與派遣公司服務之駕駛以及衛星派遣業者為研究對象,探討目前乘客對於服務品質之訴求以及整體衛星派遣營運流程之服務鏈缺口。整體研究架構分為兩個部分:首先,架構出現有智慧型衛星派遣計程車之服務鏈並以PZB服務模式(Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry Service Model,1985)分析計程車產業之服務鏈缺口,並以SPSS統計軟體分析各個面向之服務品質與工作效益數據歸納出顯著之影響因子,最終提出改善各個服務鏈缺口之策略或方法。此外研究中並以乘客端之服務品質要素進行因素與集群分析,定義不同特性之目標市場,提供業者對於各個目標客群之管理意涵,以增進衛星派遣計程車之服務品質。 研究結果顯示九個缺口中有五個負向缺口成立、兩個正向缺口成立、兩個缺口不成立,業者可針對負向缺口進行重點改善、正向缺口進行資源移轉、無缺口則繼續維持。另一方面,乘客目標市場共分成三大客群,為了滿足顧客需求與競爭優勢,衛星派遣業者可針對其客群之敏感服務要素、重視程度提供適合各個目標市場區隔之策略,最終則是需建立良善之顧客關係管理而後整合提升駕駛素質專業、依據社會多元需求提供客製化計程車派遣服務等,以提高派遣服務品質、顧客滿意度與派遣服務使用率。


Taxi plays an important role in the metropolitan area for its features of convenient, comfortable, privacy, affordability and door-to-door service. In recent years, GPS-based dispatching service developed gradually reverses the corporate images. Significant improvements have shown on service level, taxi driver working efficiency, and operating performance of dispatching agents. But the quality and performance of the taxi services are still insufficient when comparing to other industries. This study aims to explore the demand of passengers in service quality and the gap of GPS-based dispatching service procedure. The subjects include passengers that actually receive satellite dispatching service, taxi drivers whom assigned job by dispatching agent, and dispatching practitioners. The research is divided into two parts: (1) Development of GPS-based dispatching service chain and analyze service quality gap with Parasuraman-Zeithaml-Berry service model (PZB Service Model), and also sum up all the significant factors affecting service quality in multi dimensions and working efficiency, and conclude the proposal of alternatives or strategies to improve the gap of service quality in the end of this part. (2) Apply Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis to probe in to the demand of passengers in service quality in order to define the characteristic of different passenger market. After identifying of the target market , the study will provide several management opinions to dispatching agent about how to bring up different strategies according passengers’ property respectively. The result shows that there are five negative service gaps established, two positive service gaps established and two demolished. Dispatching agent should aim to improve the negative service gaps, switch some of resources from positive service gaps, and sustain the strategies of the service gaps which are demolished. On the other hand, the passenger markets are totally divided into three clusters. To meet passengers’ needs and enhance the competitive advantage, dispatching agent can aim at most sensitive service demands of different passenger clusters and their key needs to provide distinct management strategies. Besides, to improve the quality of dispatching service, degree of satisfaction of passengers and frequency of dispatching utility, development of the formulation of good customer relationship management and enhancement of driver quality and supply of customized dispatching services according to distinct society demands are also the steps that industry should consider.


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