  • 學位論文

艾森豪時期美國核能與核武政策之研析 ─兼談華府推動成立國際原子能總署

An Analysis of Eisenhower’s Nuclear Policy and Strategy -With Emphasis on the United States Participation in the International Atomic Energy Agency

指導教授 : 包宗和


1953年12月8日,美國艾森豪(Dwight D. Eisenhower)總統在聯合國大會發表『原子能用於和平』(Atoms For Peace)演說,此演說相當程度改變了世界對原子能的認知,並因緣際會促成國際原子能總署(International Atomic Energy Agency)之成立。 近半個世紀以來,由於全球化的腳步以及國際權力結構的改變,使得國家權力在地方、國家、國際、公、私的領域受到切割並且共同擁有。但全球化使得國家陷於多層次、複雜且重疊的網絡關係,同時,國際社會與國家實體也面對更多的不可預測性以及威脅與挑戰。 本論文主旨為探索艾森豪擔任美國第34任總統時期,在核能與核武層面的思維、政策與影響。作者以艾森豪『原子能用於和平』的主張及『新視野戰略』(New Look Policy)的思維為切入點,研究美國推動成立國際原子能總署之現實性與理想性因素,嗣檢視艾森豪核能核武理念與政策之具體行為與成效。 兩次世界大戰結束後,美國在享有嶄新國際地位的同時,也承擔起龐大的國際責任。在冷戰時空背景下,『原子能用於和平』與『新視野戰略』有其特殊意義與訴求;前者是仰賴核武做為保護美國與美國盟友的國家安全和利益,後者是限制核武計畫避免核武發展導致人類文明的終結。在第二次世界大戰結束後的分水嶺時刻,美國思考並著手建立一個國際體制,由體制去規範各國核能和核武的發展。國際原子能總署成立後,在其制度規範下,藉由國際組織的力量達到協助及約束各相關國家的作用,前者提供支援,後者換取他國不發展核武的交換條件,同時推動美國國內核能工業的發展與國際化。從理想性動機考量,美國將原子能的發展用於建設性的目標,成為有益於全人類福祉的用途,改善與前蘇聯的關係,同時為減少全球核武數量而努力;在現實性因素方面,為冷戰過程的心理戰術與政治符號,提供美國得以宣傳原子能的和平與進步象徵。 國際原子能總署係當今國際核能與核武在監督和規範層面上最重要的國際組織之一,當初經由艾森豪總統推動成立,其成立和運作在本質上難以自絕孤立於國際政治態勢之外,反之,國際核能與核武發展亦無法脫離或隔絕於國際規範與國際環境。 艾森豪的主張演變至今,原子能的發展依然正負兼之,任何核能事故的發生或是核武威脅皆足以撼動全人類。1979年3月美國三浬島的核電廠事故,1986年4月前蘇聯的車諾比核電廠事故,2011年3月日本福島的核電廠事故,三大核電廠事故造成的影響非僅止於發生地。災難發生伊始,鄰近國家皆惶惶不安,並且密切關注輻射物質擴散情況。長期而言,核能安全逐漸受到質疑與挑戰,各國政府紛紛重新檢視評估國內核電廠的運作狀態。各國能源需求和公眾意見各有其特殊性,能源安全、環境保護、經濟成長,三者之間的消長關係為國家政策的制定和推行添增更多的變數。 國際原子能總署對於國際核能和核武發展,所建立的規範和機制,自有其歷史性定位。但是國際原子能總署的發展歷程受到快速變動的國際局勢以及總署會員國主客觀意願和能力支持的影響。美國與國際原子能總署之間的關係歷經了多重轉變,經由美國的參與、支持和推動有了國際原子能總署的成立和運作,但並非意謂美國自始至終皆能支配和掌握總署的運作和行動,艾森豪總統在半個世紀前預見了核能與核武對於國際體系穩定和國際社會進步之重要性,而未來國際核能與核武之發展仍將繫於國際間有效的機制與世界共同的信念。


The discovery of atomic energy signifies the beginning of a new era in the history of civilization. Nuclear weapons can bring destruction, even annihilation; yet maintain an essential component in the national security calculations of many countries. Also, the advancements in the nuclear filled provide limitless potential for the betterment of mankind through peaceful applications. The overall duality of atoms presents challenges to nations ever since the beginning of its discovery. The international atmosphere existing at the end of WWII was filled with opportunities and threats for the United States. The United States enjoyed advantages in international influence and economic power; however, the fact of nuclear danger and revolutionary power of communism was troubling. During this critical period, the leaders of the United States designed strategic doctrines that served as solid foundations of policy designing and planning for the following presidencies, and articulated the visions for the future of the world under the existence of atomic energy. This thesis aims to examine the motives and purposes behind Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” speech and analyze the implications for US nuclear industry and US-USSR relations. The speech was delivered before the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 8th, 1953 and called for nations to join together to halt the buildup of nuclear armaments and to adapt atomic materials into the arts of peace. At the same time, Eisenhower’s national security policy of “New Look”, based on the rationale of “massive retaliation”, relied on nuclear weapons to serve as a deterrent towards the Soviet Union and to lessen the burden of conventional armaments on the economy. These two seemingly contradictory policies invoked different interpretations of Eisenhower’s thought and intention. Essentially, the initiatives of Atoms for Peace led to the creation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This agency serves as the global focal point for nuclear cooperation, promotes and verifies the peaceful use of nuclear science and technology. The importance of IAEA’s work and role in the international law and order has been recognized; however, there remain challenges to be overcome in order to advance its mission. Secondly, Atoms for Peace provides the basis for the development of nuclear cooperation and nonproliferation policy. Atoms for Peace stimulates nuclear technology and the US government endorses the development of civilian nuclear power. Lastly, Eisenhower’s hope with respect to bring nuclear arsenals under control was not fulfilled. The Soviet Union questioned the intentions of Atoms for Peace with suspicion and the deadlock in disarmament negotiations between the US and USSR remained in spite of Eisenhower’s efforts. Eisenhower devoted himself to the development of sustainable policy and doctrine. He was well-equipped with experience and outlook and he succeeded in avoiding dangerous involvements and creating relative stability amidst dangers and uncertainties. The complex issues President Eisenhower confronted on his inauguration were overcome with rational and pragmatic strategy and action.


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