  • 學位論文


Optical System Design for Concentration Photovoltaic

指導教授 : 蘇國棟


德國弗勞恩霍夫太陽能系統研究所在2009年發表電池轉換效率高達41.4%的高效率太陽能電池,相較於矽晶太陽能電池的理論轉換效率為25%左右,這種電池結構不僅效率很高,隨著今後的持續調整,效率仍有增加的空間,然而這種電池價格非常昂貴,將它直接攤在陽光下不符成本,一般而言晶片會切成小片搭配聚光鏡來使用,也就是聚光型太陽能電池 (CPV),在本論文中分別設計三種不同類型的聚光模組,第三章運用背光模組的概念設計出輕薄的聚光系統,第四章在透鏡下加入一個漸縮式導光管,使得在陽光入射角度偏移時仍有高的光學效率,可降低陽光追蹤器的精度進而減少成本,在第五章先利用厘米等級的小透鏡陣列聚光後,搭配微結構改變光線角度,使得光傳播至導光管側邊的太陽能電池,搭配線性平行移動的裝置,在這個系統可以同時達到輕薄的尺寸以及較高的太陽光接收角。


導光管 聚光系統


The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems released the 41.4% high efficiency solar cell in 2009. Comparing to the about 25% theoretical efficiency of silicon based solar cell, this structure not only has high efficiency but also has plenty of room to be improved with further research. However, this kind of solar cell is extremely expensive. If it’s simply put under the sunshine to transfer light to electricity, its high cost might not be returned by the expense of generated electricity. Generally, high efficiency solar cell would be cut to small pieces and accompanied by concentrated lens that is concentration photovoltaic (CPV). This thesis designs three different types of concentrated system. In chapter three, the system using backlight module concept has light and thin characteristics. In chapter four, tapered rectangular pipe is placed beneath the lens which keeps the optical efficiency high at big tilt angle of incident light. In chapter five, the small lens array focus light to the small structures first, and then these structures change the angle of light in order to make it propagate to solar cell. With linearly movable device, this design both has thin and light features, and high acceptance angle.


small lens array tapered pipe


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