  • 學位論文


Growth and Flowering Habits of Erigeron karvinskianus, Salvia roemeriana, and Penstemon smallii

指導教授 : 葉德銘
共同指導教授 : 楊雯如(Wen-Ju Yang)


全球之多年生草花市場逐漸增加,不只作為盆花使用也可利用於景觀。本研究引入國內尚未有栽培資訊之墨西哥飛蓬‘Stallone’、鼠尾草‘Hot Trumpets’及鐘鈴花‘Violet Dusk’進行栽培試驗,並利用溫度與日長等環境因子調控開花時期。 於3月將墨西哥飛蓬、鼠尾草及鐘鈴花播種栽培於日/夜溫15/13、20/15、25/20、30/25及35/30℃下,調查生長與開花情形。墨西哥飛蓬栽培於25/20℃之植株有最大地上部乾重,在15/13℃處理者有最大根乾重且花下節數最少。從播種至可見花苞的天數隨栽培溫度提高至35/30℃而減少。可見花苞至開花及播種至開花之天數隨著處理溫度提高至25/20℃而減少。在15/13℃栽培下的分枝數較多,花徑較大。鼠尾草以栽培在20/15℃下的植株花下節數最少。在15/13及35/30℃處理下,從播種至可見花苞及至開花所需天數較長,而可見花苞至開花天數隨著處理溫度提高至35/30℃而減少。花序長度則以15/13℃處理者最長,以20/15℃處理者之總花朵數最多。鐘鈴花栽培於15/13℃之植株有較大地上部乾重及最大根乾重,以20/15℃處理者較早開花。栽培在20/15℃以下的植株高度高於栽培於25/20℃以上者,側枝數以15/13℃處理者較多。總花朵數以20/15℃栽培者最多。 於9、10月將墨西哥飛蓬、鐘鈴花和鼠尾草分別進行不同天數之5℃春化處理,處理過後分別移入日/夜溫20/15℃之人工光照室,結果經過春化處理42天之墨西哥飛蓬的花下節數最少,到花天數最短,開花枝條的長度最短。鼠尾草春化處理21-42天以上時,植株的花下節數較少,春化處理28天者之到花天數最短,植株高度以14-28天處理者較高,處理至35天以上反而減少。鐘鈴花植株的花下節數及到花天數隨春化處理至42天而減少,側枝數增加。 經1-3月自然冬春季涼溫(均溫15℃)之墨西哥飛蓬、鼠尾草及鐘鈴花實生苗,在3月分別移入日/夜溫15/13、20/15、25/20、30/25及35/30℃,調查溫度對其開花之影響。結果溫度提高使墨西哥飛蓬至可見花苞、可見花苞至開花及處理至開花天數減少,在25/20℃有最少花下節數,在15/13℃時有最多花朵數和分枝數。處理溫度至開花所需積溫為667℃d,基礎溫度為6.5℃。鼠尾草在20/15℃有最少花下節數,處理至可見花苞、可見花苞至開花及處理至開花天數以30/25℃處理者最少,花序長度以栽培在20/15℃者最長,25/20℃處理者有較佳的開花品質。鐘鈴花隨處理溫度提高至30/25℃時有最少花下節數,處理至可見花苞、可見花苞至開花及處理至開花天數以25/20℃處理者最少,以15/13℃栽培者有最高株高及最多側枝數,總花朵數以20/15℃處理者最多。 於冬季以暗中斷或自然短日栽培墨西哥飛蓬、鼠尾草及鐘鈴花,並調查其生長及開花之情形。結果所有暗中斷處理植株之地上部乾重較自然短日處理者多,花下節數較自然短日處理者少,開花天數均提早。 在週年栽培試驗中,墨西哥飛蓬、鼠尾草及鐘鈴花之春、夏季播種苗較秋、冬季播種苗分別提早50、81及26天開花,以秋、冬季播種苗之開花品質較佳。在臺灣栽培墨西哥飛蓬及鐘鈴花可越夏為多年生草花。


Perennial herbaceous plants have become more important for potted flowers and landscaping uses. This study was to establish cultural information of Erigeron karvinskianus DC. ‘Stallone’, Salvia roemeriana Scheele ‘Hot Trumpets’, and Penstemon smallii Heller ‘Violet Dusk’ in Taiwan. Interests were attached to regulate flowering by temperature and photoperiod. Seeds of Erigeron, Salvia, and Penstemon were sown under day/night temperatures of 15/13, 20/15, 25/20, 30/25, and 35/30℃. In Erigeron, plants grown at 25/20℃ had the highest shoot dry weight, but those grown at 15/13℃ had the highest root dry weight and the lowest nodes below the flower. Days from sowing to visible bud (VB) decreased with increasing temperature from 15/13 to 35/30℃. Days from VB to flowering and from sowing to flowering decreased with increasing temperature from 15/13 to 25/20℃. Plants at 15/13℃ had the most lateral shoots and biggest flowers. In Salvia, plants at 20/15℃ had the lowest nodes below the flower. Plants at 15/13 or 35/30℃ took the longest time to VB and flowering. Time from VB to flowering decreased with increasing temperature from 15/13 to 35/30℃. Plants at 15/13℃ had the longest inflorescence, while those at 20/15℃ had the most flowers. In Penstemon, plants at 15/13℃ exhibited the highest shoot and root dry weights. While plants at 20/15℃ took the shortest time to flower. Plants grown at 15/13 and 20/15℃ were higher than those at 25/20 to 35/30℃. The most lateral branches were formed in plants at 15/13℃, as compared with the most flowers in plants at 20/15℃. Seedlings of Erigeron, Salvia, and Penstemon were vernalized at 5℃ for 0 to 42 d, and then moved to a 20/15℃ artifical light room. Erigeron with 42 d had the fewest nodes below the flower, earliest flowering, and shortest flowering shoot. In Salvia, plants had the fewest nodes below the flower when treated for 21-42 d, shortest time to flowering when treated for 28 d. In Penstemon, nodes below the flower and time to flowering decreased, and lateral branches increased with increasing vernalizing duration. After plants had received natural cooling (ca. 15℃) from January to March, they were then transferred to phytotrons with day/night temperatures of 15/13, 20/15, 25/20, 30/25, 35/30℃. In Erigeron, time to VB, VB to flowering, and to flowering decreased with increasing temperature. Plants grown at 25/20℃ had the fewest nodes below the flower, while those grown at 15/13℃ had the most flowers and lateral branches. Estimated base temperature during forcing was 6.5℃ and thermal time requiring for flowering was estimated to be 667℃d. In Salvia, plants had the fewest nodes below the flower when grown at 20/15℃. Time to VB, VB to flowering, and to flowering were the shortest when grown at 30/25℃. Plants at 20/15℃ had the longest inflorescences but plants at 25/20℃ had the best flowering quality. In Penstemon, plants at 30/25℃ had the fewest nodes below the flower. Time to VB, VB to flowering, and to flowering were the shortest in plants at 25/20℃. Plants at 15/13℃ had the most lateral branches, but plants at 20/15℃ had the most flowers. Plants of Erigeron, Salvia, and Penstemon were treated with natural short daylength (11-11.2 hr) or night interruption (NI) at 2200-0200 HR during winter. Plants with NI had fewer nodes below the flower, more shoot dry weight, and flowered earlier then those with natural short day conditions. Year-round culture of Erigeron, Salvia, and Penstemon was conducted from September 2008 to August 2009. Results showed that plants of Erigeron, Salvia, and Penstemon flowered 50, 81 and 26 d earlier when sown in spring to summer compared to those sown in autumn to winter, but flowering quality was better in plants sown in autumn to winter. Erigeron and Penstemon plants tolerated summer conditions and become perennials in Taiwan.


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