  • 學位論文


US Trade Laws and Office of the USTR Development and Operation

指導教授 : 何思因
共同指導教授 : 包宗和


本文探討美國國內外政經環境對歷來貿易法的影響,以及美國貿易代表署的誕生、談判架構,與其所處的政治環境。 高關稅的貿易保護政策在1930年代達到最高峰。1930年「斯慕托—霍雷關稅法」(The Smoot-Hawley Act of 1930)是政策的分水嶺。1934年的「互惠貿易協定法」(The Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act of 1934)在國際間開啟了自由互惠的契機,美國國會也首次和總統分享貿易權,從此提升總統在貿易政策中的角色。1960年代貿易代表誕生,對內他必須領導貿易談判架構,負責統合行政部門並溝通國會,對外則代表美國參與國際經貿談判。 本文分析貿易代表與總統、行政部門、國會及利益團體的互動,發現總統給予貿易代表足夠的政治掩護(political cover),是讓貿易代表領導貿易政策最有力的依據。本文最後比較我國的貿易談判架構,並提出建議。


Using the evolution of American trade laws as timeline, this thesis explores how domestic and international political-economic environments influenced US Trade Laws and how the USTR came into existence. Then it analyzes the negotiation frameworks and the political setting of the USTR. By analyzing USTR’s interactions with the president, other trade-related agencies, the Congress and interest groups, I find that “political cover from the President” is the most important power the USTR needs in forming US trade policies. Lastly, by comparing the trade negotiation structures of the USTR and Taiwan’s trade negotiating agency, this paper sheds light on how Taiwan may improve its trade negotiation in the future.


US Trade Law USTR


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