  • 學位論文


The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Chinese Economy

指導教授 : 陳添枝


吸引外國企業於本國的直接投資是現今開發中國家在制定經濟發展相關政策時重要的一環。固有的文獻認為外國直接投資(以下簡稱外資)可為地主國帶來額外的資金加速地主國固定資本形成的累積以及新的生產技術並促進國內產業的競爭,同時也能為國內的就業市場提供新的工作機會。是故,開發中國家無不視「招商引資」為重要的發展政策。但近來也有文獻發現外資對地主國的經濟發展也可能產生負面的影響,例如過度的競爭使本國企業被迫離開市場。中國自2002年以來成為吸引外資最多的開發中國家,而外資在中國的經濟發展過程中也被認為扮演重要的角色。因此,本文將以中國為研究對象,試圖從三個不同角度探討外資帶來的影響以及與中國體制的互動。 本論文由四個章節所組成。首先,第一章緒論將針對研究的主題做概括性的敘述。第二章將以台灣廠商到大陸投資為例,探討中國各省份所具備的經濟制度如何影響外資企業投資地點的選擇。不同於傳統文獻以國別作為研究的方法,中國的31個行政區因為官員升遷以及地方財政補助款等因素,使得各行政區在招商引資政策上產生競爭的局面,而反應在本章所探討的九個制度面因素。經過分析的結果顯示,台商企業會受到具備對外開放程度高、較為完善的社會福利制度、較寬鬆的環境保護政策以及台商自己聚集效果等因素的省份,而提高對該省投資的可能性;相對地,對於有較高規費負擔、較大國有企業比重以及具備較強技術稟賦的省份,會降低選擇該省為投資地點的機率。另一方面,研究結果發現經濟制度例如金融體系的發展以及財政稅收在中國加入世界貿易組織前後具有不同的影響效果,前者反應中國的金融體系在2001年後有較健全的發展,而後者反應外資企業進入中國的投資目的由出口導向轉為內銷導向。 第三章將討論外資企業進入中國之後,對其不同所有權的本國企業所產生的影響,我們稱此為「外溢效果」。研究發現國有企業受損害最大,而其他非國有企業在外資於該產業尚無佔有絕對優勢地位的時候是受益的。若將外資企業依照出現在同產業以及上下游產業的不同區分其外溢效果:文獻上分別稱為為水平外溢效果、上游關連的外溢效果以及下游關連的外溢效果。我們發現幾乎所有的內資企業均可從上游關連的外溢效果中獲益,但是僅有私人企業無法從下游關連的外溢效果中獲得好處,甚至受害。我們將外資出現但卻會使內資企業受害的現象歸為系統性競爭的結果。由於外資企業與內資企業的生產以及交易方式不同,因此外資企業的出現為原本既存的市場帶來衝擊,使得原本具有競爭優勢的一方產生損害,同時也為原本較為劣勢的一方提供一個新的競爭機會。但是,若外資企業強勢主導了整個產業,將迫使所有企業必須承受一筆系統轉換的損失。 最後,本文第四章關心全球化與製造業女性勞工就業之間的關係。以女性員工佔整體員工的比例作為比較的基準,分別採用省級的總體資料以及個別廠商的資料加以分析。在省級資料的分析中,研究發現外資比重較大以及流動人口比重較高的省份能夠提高製造業女性勞工的就業比例。傳統文獻認為出口導向產業是女性勞工比重高之主要因素,但是其重要性在控制外資比重之後遠小於外資企業的影響力。進一步使用個別廠商資料加以驗證,亦有相同結果。同時,研究結果發現外資企業生產力越高的廠商越傾向雇用較高比例的女性勞工。分析原因有二:其一為外資企業由於使用不同於本國企業的生產製造方法,因此需要對員工進行教育訓練,而年輕人與缺乏工作經驗者較易吸收與接受新知識,故外資企業較傾向雇用年輕勞工。其二為女性先天具有認知能力上的優勢,較適合從事細心、精密的工作。流動人口是外資企業主要雇工的來源,而農村外出打工的女性相對於男性而言,其年輕、缺乏工作經驗、細心的特質更符合外資企業的雇用需求,因此呈現外資企業雇用的女性勞工比例高於其他本國企業。


Attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) has been an important economic policy for many developing countries. FDI can benefit the host country in many ways: accelerating capital formation, providing employment opportunities, enhancing competition, transferring technologies, etc. China has utilized FDI actively since its economic reforms and many believed it has benefited from this policy enormously. In this dissertation, we investigate three dimensions of FDI in China, namely location choice, technology spillovers, and gender inequality in employment. This dissertation is organized into four chapters. In Chapter 1, we provide an overview of the issues to be studied. In Chapter 2, we study the location choice of Taiwanese multinational corporations (MNCs) in China. We find that regional institutions affect the location choice, in addition to the well-known agglomeration effects. Taiwanese MNCs tend to be attracted by the regions that are open to foreign trade, permissive in environmental regulations, and provides good social welfare programs, and they tend to shun away from the regions with heavy non-tax (fees) burdens, dominated by state-owned enterprises, or endowed with good technological capabilities. We also find the impacts of some institutions became more significant after China was admitted to World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2011. This suggests that alignment with world institutions has made China conform to the rest of the world in terms of its attractiveness to foreign investors. In Chapter 3, we investigate the spillover effects of MNCs in China. We separate the spillover effect into three categories: horizontal spillover, backward spillover, and forward spillover. Our empirical study found the spillover effects to differ by the ownership of local firms. In general, state-owned enterprises lose unambiguously from the presence of MNCs in the same industry, while non-state enterprises gain until MNCs come to dominate the local market. All local firms gain from backward linkages to MNCs. However, most privately-owned firms lose from forward linkages to MNCs. We interpret this phenomenon as a manifestation of institutional conflicts or system competition. In Chapter 4, we study the impact of FDI on female employment in China by using the provincial-level macro-data in the period of 2000-2009 and individual firm-level data of 2005 and 2006. We found that the share of female employment in the province increases with FDI and the presence of migrant workers. Employment patterns of individual firms also show that foreign-owned firms hire a larger proportion of female workers compared to local firms. We attribute foreign firms’ inclination to hiring a higher proportion of female workers to the differences in their production technologies from those of local firms. Due to technological differences, MNCs prefer younger workers who are easier to be trained. Because the share of female workers is higher among the younger labor force, the employment of MNCs exhibits a higher female share. We provide evidence to support this hypothesis. In particular, we show that MNCs with higher productivity, or a technological bias in using labor or materials, tend to hire a larger share of female workers.


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