  • 學位論文


Narrative’s Mode、Naming and Ritual Vessels Made by Women:Study about Inscriptions on Shang Family’s Bronzes in Western Zhou

指導教授 : 閻鴻中


關於西周時期的殷人家族,史料記載相當有限,且多是透過周人的眼光記錄下來,較難從中得知殷人家族在西周時期的樣貌。漢代之後出土的銅器則填補了這一塊空白:相較於傳世文獻,這類材料較少受後人觀點影響,有更多的偶然性,提供了相對豐富、多元的歷史線索。今日的金文研究成果,已讓我們對殷人入周後的行蹤、他們在西周時期的分佈與地位,以及個別家族的去向等問題,有了更清晰的認識。西周時期的殷人家族承繼的文化源頭既可追溯至明確可考的殷商文化,在對其有較為系統性認知的情況下,我們應可以西周時期的殷人為參照點,探究周人取代殷人成為廣袤土地的支配者後,殷周的文化傳統如何互相激盪,最後鎔為一體,形塑出各國共享的、精緻的貴族文化。 在此思考脈絡下,本文分三章,每章討論一個西周殷人家族在銅器銘文中呈現的文化因素的變化。第一章首先簡介殷商時期銅器銘文的記時形式與敘事特徵,以建立西周時期的對照基準;接著分別討論西周時期周人與殷人家族的記時與敘事方式的變化。在殷商時期,周人在記時上已經隱約表現出與殷人不同的特徵,但因為此時周人的記事尚不多見,可供討論者有限,只能再次確認學界「殷人重日而周人重月」的結論。到了西周時期,周人在金文的記事上有了極快的進展,敘事銘文表現出極為豐沛的創作力,可因應不同的場合需要,變換不同的敘事策略。周人的記時雖大體上延續殷商時期重月的特徵和一些殷人的記時習慣,但從西周早期開始,已可見變化的端倪,包括以「月─日─年」、「年─月─日」取代殷人「日─月─年」記時形式的變化,可謂周人模仿殷人的習慣後產生的質變。有意思的是,殷人的變化幾乎與周人如出一轍,包括對月相的重視、敘事的手法等,可說與周人走在相同的變化道路上。 第二章以人稱為主,分兩部分說明西周時期殷人家族的人稱變化:使用族氏銘文的家族人稱變化與日名的改變。族氏銘文在西周中期逐漸消失,是學界早有的認識;這些家族的人稱變化,也是在西周中期轉趨激烈,尤其是對尊長的歿稱,從「祖、父+日名」到「皇祖、文考+某公」。日名的變化亦始自西周中期,從幾組家族器物來看,對男性尊長使用的日名,原先多單使用十干,或是「日+十干」,西周中期開始轉變成「十干+公」或是「十干+排行」。對女性尊長的日名變化,則是由單使用十干或「日+十干」轉為使用「諡號+姓」或「族氏+姓」。由於早期使用日名的女性族屬不易確認,因此女性尊長歿稱的變化,究竟是殷人家族傳統的改變,或是這些女子來自周人族群,仍不易討論。雖然多數家族的變化在西周中期已經開始,但也有部分家族的變化始於西周早期,而也有些家族在西周晚期還維持著殷人傳統的歿稱方式。因此,我們雖然可以大致描繪家族變化的曲線,但家族間的變化速度不一,差異幅度相當大。在多數器物缺乏出土地與出土環境的狀況下,造成家族之間差異的決定性因素為何,尚難有定論。 第三章以女性作器的族氏銘文族屬為主要問題,發現女性作器的族氏銘文多半屬於夫家,僅極少數無法判別族氏銘文的族屬。考察莊白1號窖藏的〈庚姬卣〉、〈庚姬尊〉的人名問題,吳其昌、陳夢家等認為「庚姬」的「庚」是庚氏;黃銘崇則注意到幾件女名都是「十干+姓」的器,認為此「庚+姓」是殷人家族稱呼外姓女子的方式。本文分別析論二說的證據,認為西周確實可能存在庚氏,而從庚姬的器物可知,此庚氏是殷人,且以「 」為族氏銘文。但十干說亦非不足取:此說指出「庚氏」中的日名因素;若同時留意西周時有同為殷人的「辛氏」,就不能無視日名與此兩氏族名的關係。對於此現象,一個初步的推測是,此兩氏族名由日名而來。已有學者認為,日名在殷商時期的性質與作用,與家族的組織型態有關。雖然不能很清楚地勾勒變化過程,但庚氏與辛氏的氏族名,可能是日名使用族群為了適應周人統治的新局面,所產生的質變。 本文所論的三個面向,都歸向同一個疑問:周人統治下的民族,如何改變自己,最終與周文化合流?關於這個變化的軌跡,本文嘗試提出幾點觀察。從前兩章的討論可知,姓名的變化需要長時間的累積,故遲至西周中期才有比較顯著的變動。敘事特徵與記時方式,可歸類為外在的表現形式,雖然也與文化特質有關,但在西周時期,敘事與政治的關係相當密切,所以殷人在這方面的轉變相當快速,幾乎在西周初年就可以見到改變的徵兆。至於最後討論的庚氏,吾人雖未能完全確定其來源,但從一些線索看來,他們進入西周之後的種種變化,恐怕就如朱鳳瀚所說的,是家族組織型態正在產生質變的表徵;而這些變化又讓殷人進一步融入周人的文化群體。若同時考慮西周的歷史進展,西周中期也正是變動劇烈的時代,殷人家族的變化,或許與此浪潮有關。


Owing to the scarcity of source materials and the hindsight within them, the history of Yin-Shang family that was under Zhou’s reign remains a vague story. It is through the excavated bronze vessels which have appeared since Han Dynasty, bearing contingency and rather pure characteristic, that we can have more clues to trace Shang families’ fate in the Zhou Dynasty. Studies of bronze inscriptions today have made it possible for us to more accurately understand the tracks of conquered Shang people, their distributions and status in Western Zhou, and the traces of specific families. With the realization that Shang people inherited an acknowledged Shang culture as well as a more systematic understanding of the history of Shang people in Western Zhou, this thesis aims to take Shang people in Western Zhou as pivotal point and explore the interaction of Shang culture and Zhou culture, so as to generate a coherent, shared, and sophisticated noble culture. This thesis comprises three chapters, each of which discuss a certain aspect of cultural change of Shang family shown in bronze inscriptions. Chapter 1 shows the features of Shang inscriptions of time record and narrative as well as analyzes their changes. In Western Zhou, Zhou people made a huge progress in the inscriptions of records. To put it simply, Zhou people had imitated Shang tradition and made substantial change in the forms of time recording. The change of that of Shang people, interestingly, appeared to be in the same track of Zhou people. Chapter 2 focuses on personal title. The main change of personal title of Shan family in Western Zhou was that inscriptions of clan emblem began to disappear and the usage of 日名 became different. Both of these two major changes occurred and became intensive in mid-Western Zhou period. The mutation of personal title in bronze inscriptions can apply to both gender and have their own patterns respectively. However, variations existed and some families even kept old forms of personal title in late Western Zhou. Thus, although we can draw a rough table of the change of Shang family, specifically the speed of change of every single family can vary tremendously. Because of the lack of details of bronze vessels, the decisive factor contributing to the differences remains an open question. Chapter 3 investigates inscriptions of clan emblem on female bronze vessels. The main finding is that in spite of few unidentified inscriptions, most of clan emblem on female bronze vessels belonged to husbands’ family. Linking to the discussions of 庚姬 and another Shang refuge辛氏, the names of these two clans probably came from 日名. Some scholars argue that日名 was in association with the organization of family. Though we cannot conclusively depict the process of change, it is very likely that 庚氏 and 辛氏 were the outcome of Shang people’s being adapted to the new era of Zhou people’s reign. The three aspects converge into one question: how peoples who were ruled by Zhou regime changed themselves so as to conform to Zhou culture? It sis shown that the change in names needed long time to accomplish, so that it only became prominent no earlier than mid-Western Zhou. On the other hand, narrative and record of time, which were closely linked to politics and could be categorized as outer representations, underwent a swift change, and the sign of which could be seen even in the earliest days of Western Zhou. As for 庚氏, we can inferred from some clues that, as Zhu Fenghan suggests, it was the transformation of family organization that caused those changes, and the changes had helped Shang people to immersed into Zhou cultural group. Considering the history of Western Zhou, the transformation of Shang family may be related to the turmoil in mid-Western Zhou Dynasty.


