  • 學位論文


A Dialogue with Gabriel Marcel : Overcoming Despair

指導教授 : 陳文團


本篇以馬賽爾 (Gabriel Marcel) 所著《旅途之人》(Homo Viator) 一書為基礎,旨在探討在不預設宗教立場的前提下,如何可能化解絕望。使用的探討方式以對經驗現象的觀察為出發點,反思現象產生的理由及本質。再藉對其本質的分析比較,得出探討的成果。   從反省具體的絕望現象出發,文中將指出:除了物理層面,人同樣具備意志抉擇的層面。而物理層面上既成事實的總和,無法取代化約意志層面的抉擇與創新。因此,人可以不全然被既成事實所限制,具備抉擇與創新發展的能力。   次而將分辨:失望是所經驗的與意欲的目的不同,絕望是人與目的的隔絕,而希望在於人能與目的產生聯繫。同時分析目的消滅即不可能產生希望,指出希望必須有其目的。緊接著將援用馬賽爾對「是(Being)」與「有(Having)」兩種思維的反省,來分析以不同思維面對目的,所產生不同結果:「有」的思維蘊含封閉性,人將以孤立旁觀的「我自己(I myself)」,關注「已有」的既成事實,及如何「佔有」它們。這將使人過分關注於既成事實,失去創新及達成目的的可能,產生與目的的隔絕---也就是失望。相對來說,「是」的思維蘊含開放性,使人關注到自己不容被既成事實取代化約的「正在是」與能創新的「將是」,因而能在參與創新中連結自己與目的,產生希望。因此論證出,「是」的思維是化解絕望與產生希望的最佳思維。   最末段強調在「是」的開放性中,對他人的開放性,將形塑「主體際性」,使人與人彼此互相協助發展與構成對方的意義。這正與人的存在情況相符。因此,「是」對人來說,並不只是思維模式:人的生命就是「是」。藉此總結一系列的探討,提出:絕望的化解之道,正在於體認人的生命正是「是」,並藉著「是」所蘊含的開放性,以化解封閉與絕望。


Relying on Gabriel Marcel ‘s Homo Viator, this essay intends to work out the possibility of an overcoming of despair without relying on religious premises. It takes the phenomenological method of describing and analyzing concrete phenomena of despair to reveal its essences and reasons. The phenomenological description of despair points out free will and creating possibility, besides the physical, as human essences. These essences could not be reduced into physical facts, and consequently, they are not confined to their idle physical world. Hope urges to strive forward, and stimulates to create something new in the future. Disappoint expresses human dissatisfaction about what we actually are or have with regard to our expectation. Despair emerges when we are unable to reach our expected purpose. In contrast, hope is the connection of men with their purpose. Therefore, without will and purpose, hope could not be possible. Hope internally includes a certain purpose. Marcel’s reflection on “Being” and “Having” helps us to categorize different consequences in relating to different purposes, and forces us to reflect further. Reflection on “having” would, on the one hand, points out the inaccessibility to hope. Possession (having) would isolate the subject, and would force it to overly focus on those “had been” facts in the past, and on how to “acquire” them. “Having” would cause the loss of sight of human ability of creating, and hinder human connection to purpose. Reflection on “being” would, on the other hand, brings the accessibility to hope. It focuses on men’s “being” in the present and “to-be” in the future. And as such, it preserves men’s possibility of creating. Precisely thanks to the possibility of creating that the reflection on “being” would help in securing the connection between the subject and his or her purpose. It proves that reflection on “being” is the most adequate to human purpose and hope.   The last part deals with human accessibility to others in the “being” reflection. Accessibility to others will make men and others develop and establish themselves mutually. It forms a certain form of “inter-subjectivity” that is the most concrete situation of men’s existence. In this sense, “being” goes beyond a pure reflection, pointing to the way men exist, i.e. human existence. In the conclusion, this essay reiterates the arguments (of Marcel) that the possibility of overcoming despair without relying on religious premises can be possible if men must recognize themselves first as human “beings”. Being means existing. Being expresses human capacity of having access to hope and higher hope (transcendence). As such, Being reveals itself with its capacity of overcoming despair.


Gabriel Marcel Homo Viator Hope Despair Being Having Accessibility Intersubjectivity


The Gabriel Marcel Society. http://gms.lemoyne.edu/
Wikipedia, Gabriel Marcel. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel_Marcel
馬賽爾(Grabiel Marcel) 著,易靑靑、黑幼龍同譯,《隔離與溝通》,台北市:先知出版,1975。
馬賽爾(Gabriel Marcel)著,項退結編訂,《人性尊嚴的存在背景 》,台北市 : 問學出版社,1979。
馬賽爾(Gabriel Marcel)著,陸達誠譯,《是與有》,台北市:台灣商務印書館,1983。
