  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Trade Relationship among Taiwan, Mainland China and South Korea on Taiwan Economy

指導教授 : 林建甫


隨著科技的日新月異以及運輸與通訊技術的發達,各國之間的聯繫越來越緊密,形成一個地球村的社會,因此全球的相互分工及貿易往來越趨頻繁,國與國之間的經貿依存度與日俱增,而區域整合更是全球各貿易國之趨勢,根據WTO統計,目前,全世界的區域貿易協定超過300個,佔全球的貿易總額一半左右。另外,台灣為小型開放經濟體系,容易直接或間接受到國際間變數的影響,加上南韓為台灣主要出口競爭國家,而美韓自由貿易協定已對台灣造成相當的衝擊,若再完成與中國的自由貿易協定,將對台灣構成嚴重的挑戰。故政府應該如何應變,而政府因應國際發展的政策,將對國內經濟帶來甚麼影響,都成為令人關心的議題。此外,台灣近期的油電雙漲但薪水不漲之民生問題,相對於中國大陸日漸提高的薪資水準,漸漸吸引台灣人更偏好到內地工作,使得本國之已就業人口與勞動人口同時下降,進而造成台灣失業率上升。因此薪資相對降低不僅影響到民間非食品消費支出,亦將進一步導致失業率微幅上升。而痛苦指數中的通膨與失業率同步上升,政府當如何照顧到小老百姓,亦為普羅大眾所關心。因此本論文探討在兩岸與台韓關係變動對台灣之影響。 本論文建立一台灣總體經濟計量模型,包含82條方程式(50條結構式及32條定義式),83個內生變數與23個外生變數,樣本期間為1961年第一季至2011年第三季,並利用時間序列方法的虛假樣本外預測檢視此模型樣本內配適情形與樣本外基準預測,預估台灣未來三年的實質國內生產毛額成長率在3.5%左右,失業率介於5%至5.6%,且呈現緩慢上升趨勢。最後利用敏感性分析,模擬評估以下三種情境:(1)中韓貿易情形 (2)兩岸薪資水準比 (3)台韓匯率比,在不同的改變衝擊下,對本國經濟造成之影響。其研究結果分別為,當韓國出口至中國貿易額增加,將明顯壓縮我國出口至中國貿易額,進而降低我國GDP;台灣相對中國薪資比降低,將導致本國失業率微幅上升;若台灣相對韓圜匯率比貶值10%時,除了導致本國出口上升,製造業國內生產毛額亦上升,進而造成GDP在未來三年平均增加1%。


Taiwan is a small and opening economy entity, so it’s much affected by international issues. Besides, South Korea is Taiwan’s major competitor in export. The FTA between the US and Korea has strongly influenced Taiwan. If the FTA between Korea and China goes through, there will be significant impact to Taiwan. Therefore, in this paper, we mainly discuss how the relationship between cross-strait as well as Taiwan and Korea affect the Taiwan economy. This paper builds a Taiwan macroeconomic model which consists of 82 equations and 106 variables. The sample period ranges from the first quarter in 1961 to the third quarter in 2011. Our prediction on the GDP growth rate is around 3.5% and the unemployment rate ranges from 5-5.6% with a slow upward trend in the next three years. In addition, we use the scenario analysis concerning the variations such as the trade between China and Korea, cross-strait wage levels and the currency exchange rate between Taiwan an Korea. This paper shows that the increase of the export from Korea to China will significantly constrain the exports from Taiwan to China. Besides, the wage level in Taiwan relative to China has downside potential, and will cause the unemployment rate to rise slightly. Moreover, if the TWD depreciates against Korea Won by 10%, the export from Taiwan will rise, and the GDP will increase one percent on average in the next three years.


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