  • 學位論文


Control Effectiveness of Wall Surface Materials and Negative Air Ion on Indoor Bioaerosols

指導教授 : 李慧梅


許多研究證實負離子能控制室內生物氣膠,本研究除運用負離子控制技術外,設計運用聚丙烯不織布做為壁面貼附材料,並附加具殺菌效能之奈米矽片銀於材料上, 貼附於內側直徑38cm,內側柱長79cm,體積約90L之橫向圓柱狀實驗艙,並於氣流入口相對應端設置以不鏽鋼針為電極之空氣負離子產生裝置,電壓設定3.1KV,電流控制於<0.01mA。藉由材料貼附壁面與否、貼附材料噴附奈米矽片銀與否、負離子產生裝置開啟與否等各種組合,偵測施放於實驗艙中的四種生物氣膠-E. coli(細胞體)、B. subtilis(孢子體)、C. famata(細胞體)、P.citrinum(孢子體)的濃度變化狀況。生物氣膠濃度以SKC Biosampler採樣,經培養法計算菌落數換算取得。生物氣膠濃度數據另經計算可得控制效率及增進效率並藉以分析比較。 實驗呈現的結果顯示各種處理方式對E. coli的控制效率依序為僅開啟負離子(29.2%)、僅有聚丙烯不織布貼附材料(23.7%)、布材貼附艙壁搭配負離子(9.7%)、布材噴附奈米矽片銀(7.7%)。布材噴附奈米矽片銀並搭配負離子不具效果,各種處理方式比較可見同壁材有搭配負離子時,效率較差; B. subtilis的控制效率差異較大,僅開啟負離子時效果可達32.2%,同壁材搭配負離子時,效率較佳,其中,貼附材含矽片銀時,搭配施放負離子,效果可增進27.0%;C. famata的控制效率在壁面貼有聚丙烯不織布時,無論有無開啟負離子裝置,皆優於未貼附不織布(噴附奈米矽片銀且無開啟負離子裝置時除外),其中以僅貼附聚丙烯不織布之控制效率最佳,可達31.4%,其他處理方式效率接近,介於18.4%~24.1%,僅貼附材含矽片銀無效果,但搭配使用負離子,效率可達20.4%;P. citrinum控制效率接近,介於21.3%~41.0%,效果最佳為僅開啟負離子時,各種貼附材料搭配使用負離子裝置時,效果均比僅含貼附材時略降約5~8%。各種菌種最佳的控制效果仍以僅使用負離子最佳,只有 C. famata明顯不同於其他三者,在僅有壁面聚丙烯不織布環境下控制效果最好。 綜而言之,壁面貼附材質的差異會影響生物氣膠控制效率;奈米矽片銀噴附於貼附材料,對壁面材質控制生物氣膠增進效率有限;含奈米矽片銀之貼附材料,可配合負離子的施放以增進生物氣膠控制效率(對E. coli、P. citrinum無效);相同壁面貼附材質,開啟負離子產生裝置與否,會影響生物氣膠控制效率(E. coli、P. citrinum會降低,B. subtilis會增高);負離子對生物氣膠控制效率明顯高於壁面貼附材時,負離子對此壁面材質的控制效率會有所貢獻(B. subtilis);艙內高濃度負離子會影響不同壁面貼附材的控制效率(負電荷累積形成複雜狀況);生物氣膠特性影響控制效率。


It has been proved that negative air ions can control the indoor bioaerosols. In addition to renew this technology, in this study, we designed to use a polypropylene non-woven materials(PP-filter) as a wall attached material, and sprayed the bactericidal material–AgNPs/NSP(silver nonoparticles/nonoscale silicate platelets) onto the PP-filter. The PP-filter(AgNPs/NSP or non-AgNPs/NSP) was applied to the inner surface of a test chamber, and the ionizer was kept at 3.1 kV and <0.01 mA. Four bioaerosols-Escherichia coli(E. coli), Bacillus subtilis , Candida famata(C. famata), (B. subtilis) endospores, and the spores of Penicillium citrinum(P. citrinum), were used in this study. Bioaerosols were collected by SKC Biosampler and cultured for plate counts. Besides, we calculated the control efficiency and the enhanced efficiency. This study which investigated the control efficiency of various treatments on E. coli in decreasing order is treated with the ionizer alone(29.2%), PP-filter attached materials alone(23.7%), and the PP-filter with negative ions (9.7%), PP-filter with AgNPs/NSP (7.7%). However, PP-filter with AgNPs/NSP and the ionizer used did not raise up the efficiency .The results showed the poor efficiency when the PP-filter (AgNPs/NSP or non-AgNPs/NSP) attected in the chamber with the ionizer. We got the great differences in control efficiency of B. subtilis. The results showed the best control efficiency which is about B. subtilis up to 32.2% was treated by negative air ions. This study showed better enhanced efficiency when the same wall material was treated with negative air ions, the enhanced efficiency can be improved to 27.0%; We showed the better control efficiency about C. famata which was treated with PP-filter (AgNPs/NSP or non-AgNPs/NSP) than stainless steel, no matter the ionizer opened or not. The best control efficiency which is up to 31.4% about C. famata was treated with PP-filter (non-AgNPs/NSP),and we had the close control efficiency of other methods, ranging from 18.4% to 24.1%, except PP-filter (AgNPs/NSP). But, if PP-filter (AgNPs/NSP) was used with negative ionizer, than, 20.4%, the higher control efficiency can be obtained; the results indicated that the control efficiency of P. citrinum is between 21.3% and 41.0%, the best is only treated with negative ionizer. We got worse control efficiency when PP-filter (AgNPs/NSP or non- AgNPs/NSP) was used with the negative ionizer than those without negative ionizer. Different from the others ,we had the best control efficiency on C. famata which is treated with PP-filter (non- AgNPs/NSP) without negative air ions. The following is a summary of our conclusions. The control effectiveness of PP-filter is different to the PP-filter which contains AgNPs/NSP ; the study showed the poor enhanced efficiency when AgNPs/NSP was sprayed on the PP-filter, but if the metods was treated with the negative air ion, the control efficiency could be enhanced(not including E. coli and P. citrinum); when we pasted the same material on the wall, the negative ion ionizer was turned on or not, will affect the control efficiency of bioaerosol (the control efficiency of E.coli and P. citrinum would reduced ,and B. subtilis increased); when the control efficiency of the bioaerosols which were treated with negative air ions is significantly higher than the wall attached material, it was contribute to the enhanced efficiency of negative air ion when the bioaerosols was treated with negative air ion and wall attached material in the chamber (B. subtilis).The control efficiency of the bioaerosols which were controlled by wall attached materials would be affected by higher concentration of negative air ions(it would become a complex situation when negative ions were accumulated to the wall); bioaerosol characteristics affect the control efficiency.


王首文(2009)。壁面材質對室內環境中空氣負離子控制懸浮微粒影響之研究。 臺灣大學環境工程學研究所碩士論文。


