  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of the Operation of the Taiwan Railways Administration,1945-2011

指導教授 : 蕭全政教授


臺鐵局身為公營事業,除與旅客貨商的業務(服務)往來,還肩負政府政策及社會責任的執行重任,加上內部員工自組工會的影響力量,其中互動可用「混沌」一詞形容,欲解開全貌,恐非單就營收損益分析能夠達成;另在公營事業轉型的過程中,臺鐵局歷經「車路分離」民營化、「車路一體」民營化、公司化等方案研議,惟實際進程一再推遲;以何種模式儘快轉型,對臺鐵局未來發展亦至關重要。 本研究包括5個章節:第1章描述問題意識與研究架構,回顧與主題相關的文獻概念;第2章探討臺鐵局與台灣政經整體關係的演進脈絡,並檢視其影響;第3章研究在國土發展與交通政策之下,臺鐵局定位與其結構性特質,包括生產性活動、汲取性活動,及保護性活動的運作情形;第4章分析經營效率、公共性,及財務面等三個改革關鍵要項,研討轉型發展策略限制,再比較國外鐵路改革的成效;第5章則綜整前文討論,提出研究發現與4點政策建議:(1)先確立臺鐵局改革模式。(2)重新劃分經營責任及義務。(3)正視政經現況,重視協商。(4)以立法確保政策方向與內涵。


臺鐵局 鐵路改革 民營化 效率 公共性 財務


The TRA is a government-owned organization. Besides transporting passengers and freight, it has to execute government’s policy and carry the burden of social responsibility. Also, the labor union is another important factor for TRA.The interaction between the labor union and TRA is not smooth and can not be observed by analyzing profit and deficit. TRA has undergone many kinds of privatization designs durring its transformation. What is the best way to transform is very important for the future of TRA. There are 5 chapters in the thesis: Chapter1 describs the situation mentioned above and related studies. Chapter 2 probes what is between TRA and the entire political-economic relation in Taiwan. Chapter 3 defines the property of TRA under the policy of territorial development and transportation, including productive、exploitative, and protective operations. Chapter 4 probes the limit of transformation strategy, and the comparison with foreign railways by analyzing the key factors such as operating efficiency, publicity, and finance. Chapter 5 sums up the discussion, and makes 4 recommendations : to propose a reform mode for TRA, to defines its operating responsibility and obligation, to renegotiate with the labor union under present political and economical situations and to ensure the approval of the policy through legislation.


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