  • 學位論文


Benefit Assessment of the Bali Sanitary Landfill Biogas Power Generation System

指導教授 : 駱尚廉




Methane is one of the major greenhouse gases. And it is also a main component of landfill gas. Emission of methane from landfill is considered to be the major source of fugitive methane emission in Taiwan. Without proper control, methane emission could adversely affect local air quality and cause problems of global warning. Landfill gas is a form of bioenergy. Recovery and use of landfill gas as an energy source can enhance economic growth, strengthen energy security, improve air quality, and reduce emission of greenhouse gases. The New Taipei City has established quite a few projects on bioenergy. However, there are only two that use landfill gas for recovery and use of bioenergy. (Three Gorges and Bali landfills) This research evaluated the recovery and use of landfill gas at the Bali landfill with emphases on potential for landfill gas recovery, environmental impacts and economic benefits. It was found that the inappropriate top cover (insufficient thickness) and cracks are the major source of massive methane emissions. The surface covers landfills should be routinely inspected. Different management approaches may need to be employed for different landfills depend on factors such as age and capacity of the landfill. For small landfills that recovery of landfill gas for energy generation may not be economically efficient, recovery and flaring should be considered. On the other hand, energy generation should be considered as one of the top alternatives for larger landfills which can be a source of sustainable energy and reduce the emission of greenhouses gases.


