  • 學位論文


The Reengineering and Development Strategies of Taiwan Conventional Food Industry-A Case Study of Wuan Chuang Food Industry Company

指導教授 : 黃崇興


台灣食品產業的發展甚早,是國家重要的民生工業,其所扮演的角色隨著國民所得的提高與消費者對於品質與健康的追求,已轉變為朝向特定消費與高附加價值產品導向發展。台灣食品產業內在環境受到此一趨勢的影響,以及外在環境受到全球化的挑戰,產業環境造成了相當程度的改變,有些業者選擇調整市場策略或進行轉型以因應消費市場變化,以「開門七件事」的庶民產業為例,柴火被瓦斯取代以及微波設備的出現,造成了調理食品的發展商機;稻米產業在飲食西化與精緻化影響下,朝多樣化與精緻化發展;早期生產食鹽的公司也轉以生產具健康概念的多樣化商品與生技產品力求轉型;至於醋的功能,也跳脫了調味的角色,而有健康醋、水果醋等養生食品出現。 至於食品產業中的醬油產業,約始於鄭成功來台之時,當時醬油的製造是以黑豆為原料,經營方式多屬家庭式販賣模式。日治時期日本人引進以黃豆為原料的豆麥式醬油,改變了製造麴菌的方式,並且研發出速釀化學醬油,再加上用於醬油生產機械的引入,台灣醬油產業進入了工業化時期,朝向規模經濟發展。目前產品方面以豆麥式醬油為主流市場,生產豆麥式醬油大廠也是主要的消費品牌。 醬油業中的丸莊醬油位於雲林西螺地區,創立至今已超過百年,以生產黑豆蔭油為主,是具有台灣本土特色的百年企業,曾是西螺地區黑豆蔭油的代表。丸莊成立至今的歷程中,經過了高低起伏的波動,1980年代出現新型態的通路後,對丸莊的經營造成了衝擊,第三任經營者莊英堯先生於2003接任董事長後,從產品重整、銷售通路、品牌定位、行銷策略等方面進行了規模最大的企業變革,在台灣的醬油市場投下個一顆問路石,掀起了黑豆醬油的風潮,也勾起大家對傳統的懷想,同時也成功的活化品牌,提升營收。 本研究將針對丸莊醬油的個案進行經營管理的分析,探究在黑豆醬油這樣的利基市場中,丸莊醬油如何經由再造與發展策略扭轉危機,再創新局。同時對於其他同屬小眾市場的經營者,提出企業發展的建議與參考。


Taiwan’s food industry is an important livelihood industry and its development history has been started very early. Recently, the food industry along with the consumer awareness for quality pursuit and health improvement has shifted from low pricing oriented toward high value-added strategy. The present study especially focuses on the soy sauce enterprise Wuan Chuang Food Industrial Co. Ltd. which main black beans soy sauce with Taiwanese characteristics has been the representative of the black bean soy sauce. Its history is full of dramatic fluctuations. Mr. Yin-Yao Chung, the third-generation of the Wuan Chuang Food Industrial Co. Ltd., take over as board chairman in 2003, began an important enterprise reengineering in Wuan Chuang Food Industrial Co. Ltd. history . For example, he stared the process of product restructuring, sales channels refreshing, brand repositioning, and marketing strategy resetting. The transform of Wuan Chuang Food Industrial Co. Ltd. has begin the niche market of black beans soy sauce, and has brought the nostalgia wave. Furthermore, the enterprise reengineering and brand refreshing has brought greater revenue. In this study, we analyze the case of the Wuan Chuang Food Industrial Co. Ltd. by exploring its niche markets such as black beans soy sauce and by explaining how it developed strategies to reverse the crisis and create a new board. Moreover, this study may provide a successful operating in niche market and a management advice for those small businesses, which also face the enterprise transforming.


15.Andrew S. Grove(1997),Only the Paranoid Survive, Harper Collins.
1.ITIS 2011食品產業年鑑,經濟部,民國100年。
