  • 學位論文


Establishment of Elementary Homeland Education Resources by PPGIS

指導教授 : 蔡博文


鄉土教學目的在於幫助學童了解生長的環境、認識家鄉的文化特色,在廣泛地接觸鄉土環境中,激發學生的好奇心和探索的興趣,並有效的利用社區環境和資源,建構對地方感和鄉土愛等內在價值。鄉土教學的成敗,端賴教師對鄉土教學的認知與熱忱,教師不但要瞭解學校所在地的鄉土教學資源、結合地區居民與鄉土特色外,還要參考各種輔助教材規劃與設計鄉土教學,使鄉土教育能夠落實。然而,偏遠地區的學校往往因補助有限、缺乏完善的教學資源,加以少子化的衝擊之下,國小鄉土教學的師資也常因為人力不足和專業上的區分,使得偏遠小校鄉土教師資源運用短缺及教材普遍取得困難。本研究以宜蘭縣立岳明國小和其所在的港邊社區為研究區,運用公眾參與地理資訊系統 (Public Participation Geographic Information System, PPGIS)進行社區作圖(community-mapping),並輔以深度訪談的方式進行社區鄉土教學資源的蒐集;再者,將蒐集之內容依據“Mapping Our Land”《社區作圖手冊》的指導原則進行內容分類,並以專業人員資訊需求與搜尋行為的架構模式進行鄉土教師資訊需求的分析。研究結果包括:彙整港邊社區鄉土教學資源、釐清國小鄉土教學教師的資訊需求,以及發展社區作圖與在地學校鄉土教學合作的機制。研究也顯示,運用PPGIS建構在地鄉土教學資源並與學校教育互動的過程中,連結在地居民作為鄉土教學的豐富知識庫,匯聚多元的社區生活經驗和想法,也提供了教師課程準備的參考;同時,PPGIS提供了一個溝通的平台,促進彼此對鄉土認知意見的交流,運用豐沛的社區資源來彌補學校教學資源的不足,並充實教學內容。


The purpose of homeland education is to assist students in realizing the special characteristic of their lives and land. By getting closer to homeland and efficiently using community resources, students’ curiosity and the pursuit of exploration can be well inspired, thus constructing the sense of place and love of homeland. The quality and effectiveness of homeland education depends on teacher’s knowledge and enthusiasm. Teachers should fully understand the homeland resources where the school is located, and incorporate local residents’ lives and regional characteristic with adequate support materials and course design. However, rural schools usually lacks of sufficient teaching resources due to limited subsidy. The unequal distribution in terms of teacher’ s number and teaching specialties result in the shortage of school teachers and the difficulties in acquiring teaching materials in remote schools. The study chose Yueh-Ming elementary school in Yi-Lan and the located Gang-Bian community as study area. The Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS) was used to conduct the community-mapping work, and the homeland teaching resources were collected through in-depth interview. The results and the collected content would be categorized according to the guiding principles from the community mapping handbook: “Mapping Our Land”. Finally, the study would analyze the information demand of homeland teachers based on their needed information and searching behavior. The study results include: 1. Collect and compile the homeland teaching resources of Gang-Bian community. 2. Understand the information demand of homeland teachers. 3. Develop a cooperation mechanism between homeland education school and community. The study also shows that during constructing the interaction process between community and school using PPGIS, local residents’ knowledge and diverse life experience are well discovered and shared, which are all very useful and can be integrated into teaching content for teachers. PPGIS provides a communication platform which facilitates homeland information transferring process, and compensates the insufficiency of school education resources by enriching teaching content through local experiences.


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