  • 學位論文


Volatilie compounds stimulate olfactory nervous system to influence the expression of appetite factors

指導教授 : 蔣丙煌


文獻指出葡萄柚精油(檸檬油烯)及薰衣草精油(沈香醛),以調控交感及副交感神經方式,達到抑制或增加大鼠食慾,此部分與NPY所引起的生理反應相似,故推測香氣成分能刺激或抑制嗅覺神經細胞分泌NPY,進而影響攝食行為。另一方面,由脂肪細胞所表現及分泌的瘦體素,則是調控攝食以及能量代謝的主要荷爾蒙,瘦體素與NPY為相互拮抗的關係。 本研究主要利用嗅覺神經細胞受到香氣刺激後,其NPY mRNA的表現,建立具有減少/增加食慾潛力的香氣篩選平台。培養2天的嗅覺神經細胞Rolf B1.T,以檸檬油烯及沈香酫處理之,發現刺激10分鐘的沈香酫,顯著增加嗅覺神經細胞NPY mRNA表現量,而刺激10分鐘的檸檬油烯,則具有相反的結果;此部分實驗結果與大鼠的初代嗅覺神經細胞,受到香氣刺激後的NPY mRNA表現量趨勢相同,故Rolf B1.T細胞株可以作為香氣篩選平台的試驗細胞株,藉此篩選具有潛力的香氣成分。 最後,以人體試驗的模式,探討具有調節食慾潛力的香氣成分,在不同試驗時間(5、10及15分鐘)對相關食慾因子(NPY、胰島素、瘦體素、食慾素A及食慾素B)的影響。實驗分別予以水、蘑菇醇、蒎烯、檸檬油烯以及沈香醛。結果發現,受試者在沈香醛10分鐘刺激後,顯著增加周邊血中血清NPY的濃度,而檸檬油烯,則能顯著減少血清NPY的濃度,因此,嗅覺神經細胞Rolf B1.T的NPY mRNA表現平台,能作為篩選具有潛力影響食慾的香氣成分,另外,比較香氣成分對其他食慾因子,如胰島素、瘦體素、食慾素A及食慾素B的影響。結果發現:1.蒎烯比蘑菇醇更具有調節食慾潛力,無論在5、10及15分鐘,蒎烯都能增加NPY的變化量,2.受試者在蒎烯刺激10分鐘下,胰島素、瘦體素、食慾素A及食慾素B的變化量為正,顯示蒎烯為具有促進食慾潛力的香氣成分。而生理指標部分,受試者的血壓及耳溫,無顯著改變。最後,10 min試驗組別的問卷結果,顯示食慾因子食慾素B、NPY可作為評估10分鐘香味刺激影響食慾因子的指標。


Literatures indicated that the scent of grapefruit oil and lavender oil could decrease / increase appetite in the rats. Limonene and linalool, the major component of grapefruit oil and lavender oil, demonstrated similar results. It is also known that the secretion of neuropeptide Y (NPY) can regulate appetite. Therefore, we suspect that NPY could be induced by aroma compound in olfactory cells, thus affecting food intake behavior of animals. On the other hand, leptin is synthesised by adipocytes in proportion to the level of stored triglycerides. Contrary to NPY, it is the key hormone of decreasing food intake and energy expenditure. This study aimed to establish an in vitro NPY mRNA expression model for screening essences to determine if they are appetite stimulator or inhibitor. We cultured the olfactory nerve cells Rolf B1.T for 2 days, and then treated the cells with the known appetite inhibitor s-(-)-limonene and stimulator (+/-)-Linalool. It was found that (+/-)-Linalool could significantly stimulate NPY mRNA expression in 10 minutes, and limonene had opposite effect. Similar results were also found in primary olfactory ensheathing cells isolated from rats. Further clinical trials using human subjects found that when 10 min treatment was applied, (+/-)-Linalool indeed increased serum NPY level in human peripheral blood. S-(-)-limonene, on the other hand, decreased serum NPY level. Thus, NPY mRNA expression in Rolf B1.T cells could be used as an in vitro model for screening essences which may affect appetite. Further clinical trials were conducted to investigate several flavor compounds on all of the important appetite factors, including NPY, leptin, orexin A, orexin B and insulin in different experimental period (5, 10, 15 mins) and the results were as follows: 1) when the experimental period were 5, 10 and 15 min, (-)-α-Pinene could increase serum NPY level, indicating that it is a potent stimulators of food intake, 2) when the experimental period was 10min, (-)-α-Pinene could increase serum insulin, Orexin A and Orexin B level. Blood pressure and ear temperature of the subjects were not significantly changed at any experimental time. The results of questionnaire indicated that after 10 min of smelling, the appetite factors Orexin B and NPY could be used as the appetite indicators.


NPY olfactory nerve cells appetite essences


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