  • 學位論文


A study on utilize retail mobility technology and evaluation for project deployment

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 許瑋元(Carol Hsu)


近年來隨著網際網路的快速普及,及行動設備的平民化,行動應 用正在改變消費者的使用習慣,進而影響經濟活動及商業行為的變革。 企業面對此一突如其來的變革,往往無法沉著應對,而盲目尋找解決 方法,造成投資效益不彰,有些企業郤是無動於衷,而最後失去了競 爭優勢。本論文通過對市場趨勢的研究、評估模型的研究及收集應用 案例等系統化的歸納方法,建立一套適合企業評估導入行動專業的評 估模式。並以零售業為例,依系統化的評估步驟,分析企業的關鍵活 動、及可能的行動化專案議題,並建立評估模型,而歸納出零售業選 擇導入專案的優先權衡。 經由分析和論述結論可知,企業導入行動化是必然趨勢,優先導 入行動化的企業更具競爭優勢。行動科技雖然面臨一些挑戰,但是如 果能夠按照論文所述方法邏輯進行導入評估,則可減少企業錯誤投資, 為企業創造更多的價值。故本論文研究的評估方法可以作為其他行業 考量行動專業導入的參考模型,不光僅限於零售業的應用。


In recent years, with the popularization of international network and the civilization of mobile devices, mobility applications have been changing the using habits of customers, which have influenced economics activities and commercial operations. Some enterprises are not calm enough while dealing with the new sudden revolution and blindly search for solutions which results in losses of investment benefits. Some others simply ignore the change and finally lose their advantages. By means of systematic inductive methods including research of market trend, study on assessment model, and collection of cases, this paper establishes a set of standards for enterprises to evaluate mobilization. With retail industry as an example, through systematic evaluation procedures, this paper also analyses key activities and possible mobilization projects, and establishes an evaluation model to find the prior balance for retail industry to choose from mobilization projects. Conclusion from the analysis and arguments shows that it is an inevitable trend for enterprise to mobilize, so first movers will become more competitive. Though mobile technology is facing challenges, but if enterprises evaluate mobilization in terms of logic and method stated in this paper, they would be able to reduce investment mistakes and create more value. Thus, the evaluation method studied in this paper is not limited to applications in retail industry, but can be a reference for other industries to evaluate mobilization.


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