  • 學位論文


Improvement of Drainage System for Flood Management with Assessment of Climate Change Effects

指導教授 : 譚義績
共同指導教授 : 賴進松(Jihn-Sung Lai)




Frequent floods caused by extreme weather conditions have caused considerable economic and social losses in recent years. Currently, numerous infrastructures have been built in the lowland areas that are prone to inundation, where measures and solutions for flood mitigation mainly have engineering aspects. Runoff discharge has increased with land development and human activities in the Tuku lowlands, Taiwan. Public participation in the township helps both stakeholders and engineers determine the principles of flood management for effective communication. An integrated drainage-inundation model combining the drainage flow model with the two-dimensional overland-flow inundation model is used to evaluate the flood management approaches with damage losses estimation. The proposed approaches include increasing drainage capacity, using fishponds as retention ponds, constructing pumping stations, and building flood diversion culverts. By assessing climate change effects of future projected rainfall increment on the drainage system, simulations were performed to obtain potential inundation extent and depth regarding damage losses for the evaluation of each proposed approach. The results indicated that the potential inundation-prone lowland area, in which drainage is relatively difficult, must be analyzed assessing climate-change impact to implement appropriate flood management approaches.


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