  • 學位論文


Field Survey of Mosaic Type Viral Diseases on Banana and Application of Mild Strain of Cucumber Mosaic Virus for Cross Protection of Banana Mosaic Disease

指導教授 : 葉信宏


香蕉為台灣重要經濟作物,一般以組織培養苗或吸芽為主要栽培方法,其中又以組培苗為栽培趨勢。由於無性繁殖之組培苗,在嵌有B基因體之香蕉栽培種中,易誘發香蕉條紋病毒(Banana streak virus,BSV)之活化,而造成感染;且幼苗期植株幼嫩,因此也易感染由蚜蟲媒介之胡瓜嵌紋病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV)而引起的香蕉嵌紋病(Banana mosaic disease),導致香蕉產量下降。前人已於台灣香蕉種源庫中檢測並銷毀感染香蕉條紋病毒之苗株,以提供健康之組織培養材料。有鑑於此,本研究欲進一步調查台灣田野間是否具有罹患香蕉條紋病之蕉株,結果發現目前應無疫情之虞。此外本研究擬利用交叉保護(cross-protection)機制,將胡瓜嵌紋病毒弱毒系統(mild-strain)送入香蕉組培幼苗中,使其具備抗性以抵抗後來感染的胡瓜嵌紋病毒強毒系統(sever-strain)。然田間調查中並未發現胡瓜嵌紋病毒弱毒系統,本實驗室已現有三種胡瓜嵌紋病毒感染性克隆(CMV infectious clone),裁剪兩種克隆之基因靜默抑制蛋白(silencing suppressor)2b蛋白,產生致病力低的弱毒系統。利用此弱毒系統病毒,分別以膿桿菌和RNA transcript進行圓葉菸草(Nicotiana. benthamiana)接種試驗。先在菸草上接種弱毒系統,兩週後再以強毒系統進行挑戰接種,結果發現圓葉菸草外觀不具有病徵,利用RT-PCR增幅系統葉核酸則可測到胡瓜嵌紋病毒弱毒系統存在,確認交叉保護機制的確具有可行性。後續以桃蚜為媒介,已成功將弱系病毒傳播至香蕉組培苗中,並已強毒系統進行挑戰接種。期望由本研究結果調查香蕉條紋病在台灣田間之存在情形,並探討胡瓜嵌紋病毒弱毒系統應用於防治香蕉嵌紋病的可行性,對香蕉嵌紋性病毒病害防治提供有效的對策。


Banana is an economically important crop in Taiwan, and traditionally cultivated by use of suckers or tissue-cultured plantlets. Recently, tissue-cultured propagation system has gradually become the main way for banana cultivation. However, tissue-culture practice may activate the integrated inactivated Banana streak virus (BSV) to become active epsiomal form infection in B-genome containing banana cultivars. The tissue-cultured plantlets are easily infected by aphid-transmitted Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), which will cause mosaic-type disease on banana. Previous research had quarantined and destroyed the active BSV-infected germplasm in Taiwan to maintain healthy tissue culture resource. In this study, we tried to survey if there is episomal BSV-infected banana in field. Currently, no diseased plant has been found from the 150 randomly collected field samples of B genomes. Besides, we tried to screen or construct mild strain CMV for cross protection against banana mosaic disease. However, no mild strain of CMV was found from field survey, but we successfully modified three isolates of CMV severe strain by deletion the gene silencing suppressor 2b gene to obtained mild strains of CMV. These CMV mild strains can systemic infect Nicotiana benthamiana, and provide good protection against CMV severe strain infection. We also successfully inoculated these mild CMV isolates to banana by peach aphid and no symptom was observed. The challenge of severe strains to those mild strain-infected banana are still under study. Results and information in this study are expected to be useful better management of banana mosaic-type disease in Taiwan.


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