  • 學位論文


The assessment of change of Quality of life about womem with polycystic ovary syndrome using traditional Chinese Medicine

指導教授 : 陳端容


研究背景: 多囊性卵巢症(polycystic ovarian syndrome,PCOS),是一種成因未明的內分泌異常疾病,典型症狀包含月經週期不規則、體態豐腴、青春痘、多毛或男性化表徵,嚴重甚至導致不孕,成為婦女健康的一大威脅。 研究目的: 1 探討中醫治療對多囊性卵巢症候群患者生活品質的影響。(量性) 2探討中醫治療對多囊性卵巢患者之主觀療效及生理、心理、社會環境、行為之主觀經驗的改變情形。(質性) 研究方法: 本研究以4個月中藥療程搭配三次生活品質量表(WHOQOL-BRIEF)台灣簡明版量測,治療結束後並對完成治療者進行深入訪談並做成逐字稿分析其訪談內容。 研究結果: 中醫治療前後評估其生活品質的變化,結果整體總分及整體心理層面在治療2個月後的改善達統計上顯著差異,長期效果則無顯著改善。A、B兩組則是以B組的生活品質改善表現較好,在總分及心理層面達統計上顯著差異、生理層面、環境層面則是接近統計上顯著差異(paired-t),而社會層面隨時間變化的趨勢圖A組持續下降,B組則最後稍微上升趨勢。深入訪談發現生理上月經週期及疼痛或腹瀉等大多有改善,尤其是排卵的部分,心理上大多有一些工作壓力,或是與家人相處的問題。社會支持的部分大多還不錯,通常家人都很支持接受中醫治療,但有少數與婆婆有一些衝突。環境部分居住的隔間或鄰居的棟距影響隱私而造成壓力,或是環境是否交通方便或鄰近設施影響運動的便利性。


Background:Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can be attributed to endocrine disorders, with unknown underlying mechanisms. Typical symptoms include irregular menstrual cycle, plump figure, acne, or hirsutism. In serious condition, PCOS can even lead to infertility, and therefore becomes a major threat to women's health. Research objectives: 1. To quantitatively investigate the effects of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) on quality of life in patients with PCOS. 2. To qualitatively study the changes for the PCOS subjects treated with TCM in the subjective efficacy, physiological condition, psychological condition, social condition, environmental condition, and subjective cognition of behavior. Research methods: The PCOS subjects underwent 4-month TCM treatment, and were evaluated by performing three times of WHOQOL-BRIEF. After the end of the TCM treatment, in-depth interviews for the PCOS subjects and then qualitative analysis were performed. Results:For the changes of all the participated subjects in the quality of life between before and after the present TCM treatment, there were significant improvements in the total score and the psychological condition following 2-month treatment, whereas no any significant improvements following 4-month treatment.Groups B has better improvement effects in the quality of life than Group A following 2-month TCM treatment, no matter in the total score, psychological (both with statistical significance by paired-t test), physiological, environmental (both at the borderline of statistical significance by paired-t test), and social conditions (by changing trends of score over time).In-depth interviews revealed that in the physiological condition, pain or diarrhea during menstrual cycle are mostly improved, especially in the ovulation condition. Most subjects have psychological stress from the work, or problems in accompanying with families. Social supports are also good in most subjects; most families support them to accept TCM treatment; some have conflicts with their mother in law. In the living-environment condition, stress can be induced by the privacy conflict problem, inconvenient traffic, or inconvenience to take exercise.


