  • 學位論文


The Adverbial Function of –nya in Bahasa Melayu: A Cognitive Perspective

指導教授 : 呂佳蓉


馬來語言的附著型第三人稱代名詞 -nya,有多樣的功能: 可以是句子裡的論元,可以標示所屬關係,可以表達定指狀態,也可以引介副詞。在這些功能中,要屬直觀上難以理解的副詞功能,最引人興趣。本論文企圖完整討論此一議題,尤其著重認知機制和概念結構這兩個層面,看它們在 -nya的副詞功能中扮演的角色。從語料來看,大多數 –nya 的副詞功能,都具有句首出現的 (se-)X=nya 形式。這種表現,令人想到「主題-評論」的結構,-nya 在此結構中引介作為背景的訊息,並為之後的評論展開鋪陳。也就是說,-nya 副詞功能的基本架構,就是「主題-評論」的結構,並且在運作上,由代名詞本身帶有的認知機制所驅動。關於認知機制,作為一個所有格代名詞,-nya 具有前指性以及所屬關係標示的性質,這兩個特性讓副詞功能得以生成。首先,前指性有助於錨定訊息的參考基準,讓之後的副詞修飾有所依據。其次,所屬關係和名物化有關,名物化可將抽象關係,賦形為概念上可搬弄的實體,因此讓副詞修飾的尺度擴大,從單純的名詞,跨越到子句的層次。最後,隨著功能不斷發展,可以發現 –nya 的語義逐漸蒸散、慢慢變成表示強調的語氣助詞。這種現象,在 adanya 「有」和 bukannya 「並不是」這兩個實例中,最為明顯。


語言學 馬來語 認知語法 副詞 形容詞


The clitic third person pronoun –nya in Bahasa Melayu is functionally versatile. It serves as a sentence argument, marks for possession, indicates definiteness, and introduces adverbials. Among these functions, the adverbial use is of particular interest, because it cannot be easily accounted for. The thesis aims to thoroughly address this issue, especially in terms of cognitive mechanism and conceptual structure underlying the adverbial function of –nya. Based on data observation, it is found that the adverbial –nya expression tends to take a clause-initial (se-)X=nya form. The expression suggests a topic-comment structure in which –nya introduces the back-grounded information and prepares for the following comment. This is the fundamental schema for the adverbial function, and its operation is energized by the cognitive mechanisms inherent in the pronominal basis of –nya. As a genitive pronoun, -nya has the properties of anaphoricity and possessive marking. These two properties contribute to the development of the adverbial function. First, anaphoricity helps anchor the referential ground on which adverbial modification is made. Second, possession leads to nominalization, which reifies relations into maneuverable conceptual entities and extend the scope of modification from nominal to clausal, as generally adverbs do. On the edge of this functional extension, it is also observed that –nya is becoming a semantically empty particle for emphasis, which is especially clear in cases like adanya ‘there is/are’ and bukannya ‘and it is not that … ’


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