  • 學位論文


The Tax Period of Rice in Song Dynasty (960-1279) Jiangzhe Area

指導教授 : 梁庚堯


稻米是宋代政府供應軍隊、官員不可或缺的資源,在財政中占有重要地位。政府取得稻米主要有課徵、購買兩種方式,其執行所依循之時間表,就是本文所稱的稻米徵買時程。本文設定的研究範圍,是由兩浙東路、兩浙西路、江南東路、江南西路所構成的「江浙」。江浙以農業生產力著稱,是供給政府稻米的重鎮。 徵買時程為財稅制度的一環,因此,對江浙稻米徵買時間表的梳理,可視為地方賦稅制度的釐清。本文以課徵時程為主軸,統合宋代秋稅徵收的不同面向,如徵收日期、稅限規範、州縣催科方式,呈現地方稅務行政運作的樣貌。然而,察考制度僅是本文採取的研究途徑,而非目的。透過對徵買時程的分析,本文試圖掌握宋代官米流通在江浙的運作時程。而後在此基礎上,從時程角度討論稻米徵買與民間的關係,及其在兩宋財政體系中的運作。 稻米的徵買,牽涉官、民、商三方的活動,本文以時程為主軸,結合官米、民米流通進行討論,呈現官、民、商相互的牽引與牽制。稻米徵買與民間的相互影響,亦當體現於斯。本文對稻米徵買與財政關係的討論,則聚焦於制度運作在北宋、南宋的差異及其成因。文中提出的主要觀察有二:其一,南宋初期政府龐大的稻米需求,導致徵買時程的提前;二、南宋上供時限的大幅提前,可能是導致賦稅徵收弊病叢生的原因之一。


兩稅 和糴 稻米流通 稻米市場 地方財政


Rice plays a significant role in the revenues of the Song dynasty (960-1279). The Song regime, which has a large number of administrative officials and soldiers to feed, obtains crops mainly via two ways: taxation and purchase. The government implements these two measures following a particular time schedule, which is termed “the tax period of rice” in this research. Tax period varies among different regions. This study focuses on the tax period of Jiangzhe (江浙), one of the main rice sources of the dynasty. This area, well-known for its agricultural productivity, is consisted of four administrative units: Liangzhedong Lu (兩浙東路), Liangzhexi Lu (兩浙西路), Jiangnandong Lu (江南東路), and Jiangnanxi Lu (江南西路). This study of the tax period of rice evaluates this measurement from three aspects. First, the tax period is a crucial element of the two-tax system (兩稅法). Therefore, examining the tax period helps to clarify the whole operation process of taxation. Second, this study investigates how the tax period influences on the civilians’ economic lives. Both the rural and urban populations are affected by the circulation of government-owned grains, and the tax period unveils the time schedule of the circulation, which indicates the interweaving networks of rice supply among government, merchants, and farmers. Third, alterations of the tax period may imply some meaningful changes of the dynasty’s financial policies. This present research analyzes the fundamental differences of fiscal time schedule between Northern and Southern Song, and it proposes a new explanation of the cause of maladies in the Southern Song taxation.


張 文,《宋朝社會救濟研究》。重慶:西南師範大學出版社,2001。
梁庚堯,〈宋代太湖平原農業生產問題的再檢討〉,《臺大文史哲學報》第 54期,2001 ,臺北,頁261-303。
