  • 學位論文


Analysis of College Students Volunteering Behavior

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


本研究的目的在於探討大學院校學生對於服務性社團之參與與持續動機,過去關於志工服務行為的研究,多為探討動機與滿意度之間的關聯,或者是以問卷或是質性研究的方式來分類志工服務動機,尚未出現可完整分析志工服務行為的模型。因此本研究以Bagozzi (2001)提出的目標導向行為模型(Model of goal-directed behavior theory)為理論架構,加上不同類型參與動機、同儕、社會的影響力(次群體規範)、利他主義對於行為態度、行為慾望等因素的影響,建構出能夠完整解釋志工服務行為動機的模型,並嘗試探討志工服務行為後所產生的回饋與持續志工服務意願的關係。 本研究採問卷調查法,共收集245份有效問卷。研究結果顯示:自我強化動機對於志工服務態度有正相關、利他主義對於志工服務慾望以及志工服務意圖的關係強度具有正向調節效果,而志工服務行為持續志工服務意願具有正向相關。 根據本研究結果,校園服務性社團之規劃者可以了解志工服務行為動機的類型,進而提升其持續服務意願,以及其他因素如何影響志工服務行為之實務建議。最後也針對未來研究方向提出說明。


目標導向 利他主義 志工行為 動機 LISREL


The purpose of this paper was to answer research questions related to the motives of student participating volunteering clubs, the internal structure of motivation to volunteering continuance, and the causality of volunteering behavior based on the Model of Goal-directed Behavior Theory that developed by Bagozzi (2001). Most of the literatures on the volunteering behavior explored the relation between motivation and satisfaction or classified volunteering motivations. That’s why this study tried to explain volunteering behavior and its motivation as a whole based on the MGB model. This study conducted survey by a questionnaire and used LISREL to evaluate and examine the causes and effects. Our theory and evidence from a sample of 245 students who participated in volunteering clubs suggested that there were positively significant relationships between volunteering behavior and continuance and self-enhancement motivation and volunteering attitude. In addition, altruism had significant difference on the relationship between volunteering desire and volunteering intention. The findings of these studies provided practitioners some useful recommendations. Making the volunteerism experience more beneficial to the volunteers is essential for developing a long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationship between the volunteers and the volunteering club. Finally, a discussion of the theoretical ambiguity led to suggestions for future research.


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