  • 學位論文


Landscaping of Urban Nature-Green Governmentality of Lawns in Taipei City

指導教授 : 王志弘


本研究考察了以草坪為表徵的都市公共空間,建構出都市自然的歷史演變,藉此探知日殖時期至今,草坪作為都市綠色治理的自然要素與中介,在各階段展現官方都市治理的不同基調和策略。都市自然景觀化(Landscaping)的概念,說明了城市政府挪用、改造、再製自然的各種形式,仍有一個總體趨勢,皆強調視覺的美學表現,並於都市治理過程中,逐一收編了草坪景觀蘊藏的現代文明、健康衛生,以及綠色生態意涵。 透過綠色治理術(Green Governmentality)的分析,本文描述都市草坪生產的技術系統、景觀知識,政府制度論述,以及相應的主體塑造過程,指出都市自然景觀化的不同表現形式與政治經濟作用。日殖與戰後的紀念性草坪,象徵城市的文明與進步,用來妝點統治者的視線,美化統治政權;1970年代興起的遊憩化草坪,排除城市邊緣窳陋髒亂之地,以大面積綠意,提供市民集體消費的休憩場所,緩解了政府無法取得公共設施用地的危機;最後,商品化和資產化地草坪,使城市中的綠意恰如其分地被鑲嵌在資本可增值之地。 結合公私部門和市更新制度的城市發展策略,讓草坪擴展至城市的畸零地,藉由容積移轉和碳量計算等治理技術,轉化為開發商利潤和政府綠色政績。凸顯都市綠色治理轉向要求速成之景觀美學的重要特質。推動此過程的結構性動力,是為了穩定國家、市民與資本間的關係,正當化治理政權。同時,在新自由主義化的全球城市競爭中,調節都市環境資源的衝突,使資本主義積累體制能夠持續。 台灣溫暖潮濕的氣候條件,同時是外來草坪的促成與限制條件,不同形式的草坪召喚著相異的主體,從事紛繁多樣的活動。禁止踐踏的規範性草坪塑造自我治理的馴化主體,開放草坪上的偏移主體,游擊草坪的抵抗主體,則以多種的使用方式適應和轉換了城市草坪的環境,展現市民回應城市綠色治理策略的多重樣貌。通過不同草坪形式與意義的探查,本研究呈現出人與自然的關係乃中介於文明淨化、休憩心態、景觀價值、抵抗反叛等,各種不同的政治、慾望和倫理可能性之中。


This thesis explores the history of lawn in the Taipei city, which demonstrates the evolution of urban nature from Japanese colonial period till now. Lawn, as important natural elements of urban green governance, intermediary showed different strategies of official urban governance in different periods. The concept-landscaping of urban nature, is framed to illustrate a natural governance trend in which city administrations emphasized the visual aesthetics and incorporated several meanings of lawn, such as modern civilization, health and hygiene, as well as ecological implications ,in the process of remaking nature. Through the analysis of green governmentality, this research describes the technology system of urban lawn production, knowledge of landscaping, discourses of institutions, and the subject formation process which produced different forms of urban nature landscape. First, the memorial lawn is a symbol of civilization and modern city. It was used to beautify the governing regime in Japanese colonial and post-war period. Then, the recreationalized lawn emerging in the 1970s has been used to exclude the mess of urban fringe and provided green open space for collective consumption. It also eased the crisis resulting from the government’s failure to obtain the land for public facilities. Finally, commercialized lawn became natural asset, promoting capital accumulation in contemporary global city competition. The sprawling lawn, calculated as the amount of carbon reduction and urban building capacity, has been translated into the official political achievement and the profits for developers. It presented important characteristics of urban green governance which tend to pursue instant landscape aesthetics in order to stabilize the relations between nation, civil society and capital, regulating the resource conflict of urban environment and legitimate the governance regime.


lawn urban nature landscaping green governmentality.


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