  • 學位論文

地方特色產業轉型觀光與體驗行銷之研究 -以下營新興地區休閒農園區為例

A Study of the Transformation from Local Charm Industries into Modernized Tourism and Recreation Experience -Take Shia Ying Newly Leisure Agricultural Area for Example

指導教授 : 孫立群


下營區是個傳統的農村聚落,居民大都以務農為主。隨著地球村的概念及世界經濟的變遷,使得地方傳統產業與農業逐漸衰退,青壯年人口外移,還有來自國外低價農產品陸續進入本國市場等的沈重競爭壓力。在農委會協助下,下營區農會與在地產銷班、農民一同努力,結合了區內的農業資源和在地特色產業,透過農村文化節慶活動讓遊客體驗農特產品融入主題情境的方式來吸引觀光人潮,進而帶動地方產業發展、增加就業機會、促進經濟效益。      本研究乃以新興之體驗經濟、體驗行銷觀點,探求地方特色產業轉型觀光之體驗類型、經營概況及行銷策略,提出有關各項建議。並選取「下營新興地區」之「休閒農園區」為研究場域,從價值共創的角度來探討「下營農情產業文化暨米食推廣活動」舉辦期間,造訪遊客旅遊滿意度與行為意向,相關參與者之間的互動所產生的價值,並重新整合下營新興地區既有的觀光產業資源,共創區域整體價值。依據深度訪談結果得知:除春節假期、農特產品促銷期及平日各學校戶外教學外,農情產業文化活動節慶期間為一年之中遊客人數與營業額最高,其所帶來正面效益為知名度之提升,熱絡當地商圈活動,以及帶動下營在地農特產品與歷史文物的被重視。當地相關休閒產業業者彼此之間互動良好,擁有共同創造並提昇產業價值的理念,是為下營休閒農園區體驗行銷永續發展的重要關鍵。      本研究再以下營區遊客服務中心開始,針對參與農情產業文化暨米食活動之遊客為對象進行問卷調查,活動日期為2012年10月13日至10月14日的週末假日,共計發放200份,採便利抽樣方式,得回收樣本數183份,有效問卷為169份,無效問卷為14份,有效率達92.3%。以及參與活動同時是否也造訪農園區內其他觀光休閒農場之關聯性。      研究結果除了希望能增加下營區農會與地方業者對於遊客旅遊體驗需求與偏好之掌握,協助其改善並創新以農村地方文化產業為主體的體驗活動設計之外;更期盼能從地方產業、文化創意和體驗活動推動的角度,為臺灣其他農村提供產業轉型觀光發展與推動體驗行銷的參考。


Shia-Ying District is a traditional rural community. The majority of local residents farm for a living. Accompanying the global village concept and global economic transition are the gradual decline in local traditional industries and agriculture and out-migration of young and mid-aged population. Low-priced foreign agricultural products that continue to enter the local markets also constitutes heavy competitive pressure. With the assistance of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan., Shia-Ying Farmers' Association, local production and marketing groups, and farmers work together. In efforts to combine Shia-Ying's agricultural resources and local charm industries, they attract more tourists/visitors with Shia-Ying Culture Festival. Festival activities enable these visitors to experience special agricultural products blended into various thematic situations. This leads to the promotion of local industrial development, increase in job opportunities and enhancement of economic benefits.      This study aims to explore the local charm industries transforming to tourism industries based on the burgeoning experience economy and experiential marketing viewpoints. The study examines the experience types, operation highlights and marketing strategies of these industries and propose relevant suggestions. In addition, the study selects the leisure agricultural area of Shia-Ying Sin Shin District as the research field. From the value co-creating perspective, it investigates the degree of satisfaction and behavioral intention of the visitors and the values created by the interactions among the relevant participants during the Shia-Ying Culture Festival. It also reintegrate the existing tourism industry resources of Shia-Ying Sin Shin District to co-create overall value. According to the in-depth interview results, excluding lunar new year holiday, special agricultural products sales promotion period, and school outdoor education during weekdays, the maximum number of visitors and total sales revenue of the year occur during the Shia-Ying Culture Festival. The positive benefits include reputation enhancement and stimulation of local commercial activities which attach greater importance to Shia-Ying's local agricultural products and historical relics. Local business operators of relevant recreation and leisure industries understand the ideals of co-creating and promoting industrial values. The smooth interactions between them are the keys to the sustainable development in experiential marketing of Shia-Ying's leisure agricultural area.   This study begins with Shia-Ying visitor information center and focuses on the visitors who attended Shia-Ying Culture Festival as the subjects for questionnaire survey. The festival was held on the weekend of October 13th and 14th, 2012. A total of 200 surveys were distributed. By the convenience sampling method, the number of samples collected was 183, in which 169 were valid and 14 were invalid. The effective response rate achieved 92.3%. The survey also took into account the correlation of festival participants and those who visited other recreation and leisure farms within the leisure agricultural area during the same weekend.   The study results hope to assist Shia-Ying Farmers' Association and local business operators in increasing their grasps of visitors' experience requirements and preferences and in improving their creative designs of experience activities based on local rural cultural industries. From the perspectives of local industries, cultural creativity, and experience activity implementation, the study findings also anticipate to show other rural communities in Taiwan as their references for industries transformation and tourism development and promotion in experiential marketing.


