  • 學位論文


The Influence of Place Changes on Place Bonding

指導教授 : 鄭佳昆


地方連結是指人與地之間的特殊情感連結。許多相關研究探討關於家園、社區或國家以及休閒場所等各種不同場所的地方連結,並延伸出多種相似的概念。Beckley(2003)在討論人與地方之關係時,曾指出許多社會學家多專注在地點變化發展時會如何影響社會經濟因素,卻很少討論地點改變時造成的人與地點之連結的變化。本研究回顧過去心理學中孩童對母親的依戀理論,和各種關於被迫搬遷、失去家園、地點中斷(Disruption)、鄉愁(Homesickness)的研究文獻,認為地方的消失或改變可能引發人對地方之連結情感和行為的改變。本研究之討論將限定於休閒場所,討論休閒場所的更新改建等地點變化對於使用者的情感、行為上的可能影響。 本研究的實驗分成三個部分,第一部分以2010年的台北花卉博覽會中的公園為研究地點,針對公園附近居民進行不記名問卷的發放,調查時間分為四個時期調查,以確認施工前期、籌建期、試營運期以及正式營運期的居民連結是否有差異。第二部分則以九個進行更新改建的鄰里公園為研究地點,調查現地使用者在改建前、施工中、改建完畢後的地方連結變化情況,以及受測者返回使用狀況、對改建後之評價與地方連結之間的關係。第三部分則以情境模擬方法讓使用者想像臺大醉月湖改建的狀況,同樣使受測者評估改建前後的地方連結程度,以及受測者對改建後之評價與地方連結之間的關係。更進一步將情境模擬方法與實際案例所得之結果進行比較,討論情境模擬方法用於測試地方連結是否可行。 第一部分的實驗結果顯示地方連結在各時期會有不同的變化,並且留在公園使用的受測者,其對公園的連結較沒有繼續使用的受測者高。此部分可推測出地方連結很可能會因為地點的改變而有變動,進一步於第二、第三部分的實驗中進行探討。第二部分的實驗結果顯示在改建前、施工中、改建完畢的各階段下,地方連結會有所變化,並且連結強者會在公園改變後下降,而連結低者則會上升。對改建的評價則會支撐地方連結。第三部分的情境模擬之結果與第二部分相似,因此本研究認為在人力、成本不足以及需求研究時機特殊的狀況下,或許可利用此種研究方法來探討地方連結的變化狀況。 近年來,由於遊憩需求提升,休閒場所常常要面臨更新改造等問題,此種變化對其使用者或客源帶來的衝擊常常是遊憩區在管理上特別注重的部分,而本研究的內容可供遊憩管理者在管理和規劃上做為參考,並期望此結果可補充現有休閒遊憩地方理論的不足之處。


People-place relationship has been one of the important issues in recent decades. After reviewing 400 papers that relates to this topic, Lewicka (2011) argued the mechanisms of the place bonding are still undetermined. Therefore, it is meaningful to understand how place bondings are developed and disappeared. The process of place bonding has been mentioned in many discussions of displacement or disruption by researchers. Some of the researchers agree that bonding to a place might always be taken for granting, and this can only be noticed after the place becomes unavailable. However, the effect of place disruption on bonding is rarely discussed in recreational studies. The purpose of the study is to understand how a place bonding toward a park changes after the park become unavailable. The influence of place changes on place bonding was investigated in three experiments. The first experiment used unlinked anonymous samples to find out how place bonding changes during the event, Taipei International Flora Exposition is on. In the second experiment, an on-site survey was conducted, and all of the respondents were followed with a mail survey after the park closed and reopened with the same bonding measurements. In the third experiment, a comparison of place bonding to the place wsas collected before and after simulating of scenario of place reconstruction. In first experiment, the results showed that place bonding had been declined significantly after the park has closed, but it rose again when the park was reopened for the exposition. This implies that the accessibility of the park is very important for maintaining the place bonding. In the second experiment, we found that the people who have stronger bonding toward the park, their bonding would decline significantly after the status of the park changed, but those who have weaker bonding would rise after the change. Besides this, we found people who are satisfied with the park after the reconstructions, the declined of their place bonding would be smaller after the park is changed. Finally in the third experiment, it shows that place bonding would change after scenario simulation, and the result is similar to the second experiment. This means that the scenario test may be used to investigate the place bonding when there is a time constraint or insufficient human resources. The results of the current study provide a new way to understand the mechanisms of place disruption. , and it will contribute to the planning and management of recreational places.


Place Bonding Place attachment Disruption Scenario Panel


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