  • 學位論文


The Transformation of Yu Chien’s Image and Popular Religion in Late Imperial China

指導教授 : 李孝悌


本文研究課題為明清兩代于謙的形象演變,及其死後於民間衍生出的各種信仰。此外,本文從文化史的視角出發,全面檢視于謙由忠臣演變為神靈的演變過程,藉此理解明清社會的自我表述、地方認同、歷史書寫與民間信仰四個主要課題。 正文共分四章,第一章以于謙生前的政治角色為中心,探討其在地方與中央的治理政績,以作為往後各章課題的論述基礎。 第二章探討在于謙的忠節形象的建立過程中,如何受到國家、士人與家族的影響。同時,本文藉由考察國家賜諡號與建祠廟的表彰行為,爬梳背後運作的人際網絡、家族利益以及地方意識。 第三章以集中分析晚明至清中葉這段期間,于謙與岳飛如何被士人形塑為地方的忠節典範,並與西湖的地理景觀結合,最終成為地方文化的重要一環。此外,本文也檢視明清士人有關于謙的歷史地位的爭論,藉以釐清時代脈絡與歷史書寫之間的關係。 第四章則以民間信仰中的于謙形象為中心,探討于謙信仰在不同區域的崇拜形式(如雨神、都城隍神、夢神),並分析不同神格之間的互動關係。最後則以杭州地區的祈夢文化為例,分析士庶在信仰上的競合關係,以及不同社會階層在形塑于謙信仰時所扮演的角色。


于謙 歷史書寫 民間信仰 祈夢 科舉文化


This article analyzes the transformation of Yu Chien’s image, and various cults in popular culture after he dead during the late imperial China. In addition, the article based on the views of cultural history, entirely investigates the process of Yu Chien’s image which changed from loyalist to god, and also figure out the four topics of self-representation, local identity, historical writing and popular religion in Ming-Ching society. The paper divides into four chapters. Chapter1 focuses on the politic course of Yu Chien, and his administrant achievements in local government and imperial court, it will be the foundation of follow chapters. Chapter2 discusses how were the effects of country, literati, and clan force in the process of loyal image of Yu Chien. At the same time, the article analyzes posthumous title and memorial temple of country’s respects, for the purpose of networking, family benefit, and local consciousness in the rear Chapter3 focuses on how did Yue Fei and Yu Chien were shaped into locally loyal paradigm by literati community during the late Ming to middle Ching, and further compounded with geographic landscape, ultimately become the important part of local culture. Besides, the article also discusses the controversy about Yu Chien’s historical position in the literati community during Ming-Ching period, so that comprehend the connection between generational context and historical writing. Chapter4 focuses on the Yu Chien’s images under the perspective of popular religion, discusses the worship in different regions, rain god, capital city god, dream god, and the interactive relationship of different divinity. Finally, the article takes the culture of dream divination in Hangzhou for example, to analyze the interactions of belief between literati and common people, and how the role of various social groups plays in shaping Yu Chien cult.


