  • 學位論文


A study of the property of open cavities

指導教授 : 朱國瑞


先從此篇論文主題來探討,所謂共振是指特定波長的電磁波在固定結構的腔體內振盪情形,而我們研究的開口式共振腔,不像封閉式共振腔有明確的邊界條件,因此開口式的共振腔不像封閉式的有解析解。為了研究開口式共振腔,我們利用Cavity和RFS2這兩個程式,對TE11模式,做數值上的模擬,以便讓我們更明確地看出物理現象。   值得研究的是,因為θ很小,所以Cavity和RFS2是假設腔體半徑隨對稱軸的變化量為零的情況下去模擬,但是為了能更清楚知道此原因對電磁波反射率的影響,本篇論文會用電磁模擬軟體HFSS來模擬此共振腔,並將結果與Cavity和RFS2做比較,已便更深入了解θ對反射率的影響。


First, let me introduce the title of the thesis, “A study of the property of open cavities”, the phenomenon that E.M. wave oscillate between a specific cavity is so-called resonance. In general, the solution in open cavity don’t like that in closed cavity have analytic solution, I use two program RFS2 and cavity for study our open cavity. In fact, the structure of gryrotron is strongly similar the open cavity, so study open cavity is a good practice before study gryrotron.


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