  • 學位論文


The Media Representation of “Si Mangavang”-The Case of Four Taiwanese Mainstream Newspapers, Lihpao Daily, and Lanyu Biweekly

指導教授 : 張錦華


建國百年達悟族拼板舟si mangavang「拜訪號」及「橫渡黑潮•拜訪臺灣」系列活動,係由政府各部門與蘭嶼鄉公所合作舉辦。活動過程族內外爭議不斷。然而漢族政府掌握宣傳工具,較易近用媒體。學界也指出,主流媒體與漢族政府的宣傳角度可能類同。研究者故欲觀察報紙再現拜訪號活動的方式。 本文以「批判觀點的多元文化論」為視角,並將此理論意涵區分為「反映權力結構問題」、「脈絡化處理議題」、「呈現多元觀點」、「肯認差異」等四項概念,藉之討論四大報、《台灣立報》、《蘭嶼雙週刊》如何再現拜訪號活動?新聞產製的過程中又有哪些因素會影響上述概念的實踐? 本研究採取內容分析、論述分析以及記者訪談分析為研究方法。結果發現,六報基本上皆以正面積極的態度肯認少數族群的文化。 四大報整體報導量高(《蘋果日報》除外),給予活動高度關注。但其再現方式多半依附於政府宣傳,建構出活動「親民聯歡」的氛圍,或是將焦點置於官員或政黨的毀譽。新聞產製的過程中,報社給予的資源有限、記者採訪時倚賴「客觀」的官方消息等等因素,都不利於報導反映權力結構問題,呈現官方未宣傳的脈絡與觀點。 《台灣立報》則報導政府應反省活動舉辦方式,批判觀光客不夠尊重文化儀式。該報建置族群版、族群線,給予記者較多資源,使其得以親自進入部落訪問,累積相關議題知識。其報導方式也確能反映權力結構問題、脈絡化處理議題、呈現多元觀點。《蘭嶼雙週刊》則發揮族人發表意見的平台功能,報導凸顯了族人對觀光客的看法,翻轉了「漢人觀看者�原住民被觀看者」的位置。由於該報社位於島上,記者有更直接的族人消息來源,此亦顯示社區媒體的在地耕耘實有助於報導呈現多元觀點。 研究者最後以批判觀點多元文化論之視角,針對主流媒體報導原住民族文化活動的新聞提出建議:(1)記者應意識到政府宣傳之「客觀」訊息背後隱藏的意識型態;(2)報導應關注族群內部的多元意見;(3)報社宜提供記者更多經費與時間方面的資源;(4)記者應認知到原住民族仍處於結構弱勢之現況。


This thesis focuses on the case of si mangavang, a government-dominated cultural event related to the Taiwanese indigenous group Tao. The event has triggered lots of conflicts in and out of the group, while some scholars pointed out the similarity between governmental propaganda and the news of mainstream newspapers. This thesis thus compares the news representation among four Taiwanese mainstream newspapers, and two other alternative media, Lihpao Daily and Lanyu Biweekly. The theory used is “critical multiculturalism,” which involves the concepts of “reflecting the problems of power structure,” “contextualizing the issue,” “manifesting viewpoint diversity,” and “recognizing the minority culture.” These concepts were taken to analyze the news texts and the process of news production. The methods used are content analysis, discourse analysis, and interview survey. The researcher has found that “recognizing the minority culture” has been practiced in all the target newspapers. While the four mainstream newspapers have higher news quantity, their information sources are basically the bureaucracy, and thus help construct the superficial harmony between the government and her people. Besides, their news pays special attention to politicians and parties, instead of Tao’s culture. The limitation of the resources and the journalists’ reliance on the government obviously have shown negative influence on the practice of critical multiculturalism. Lihpao Daily suggests the government reflect on the goal of the activity, and the tourists reflect over their rude manners on the occasion. The newspaper offers an exclusive page and a beat to cover group-related news, which may benefit the reporters with more space, time, and economic resources. The newspaper indeed performs better in terms of critical multiculturalism. Lanyu Biweekly serves as the opinion platform for the residents, and reports their viewpoints toward the tourists, a perspective seldom adopted by Taiwanese media. This trait shows that a local newspaper surely can enrich the viewpoint diversity on the event. Based on the analysis, the researcher suggests that reporters be conscious of the hidden ideology of the propaganda and the disadvantaged position of the minority, and focuses more on the in-group diversity. Meanwhile, the media should offer reporters more time and economic resources on covering news of indigenous people. Keywords: Orchid Island (Ponso no Tao), Tao (Tau), canoe, si mangavang, news representation, critical multiculturalism


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