  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influence on Global Economy of European Sovereign Debt Crisis

指導教授 : 謝德宗




The financial crisis of 2008 hit the global economy and finance heavily. As a result, most of the world’s countries have adopted monetary policies and stimulus expanding measures in an effort to boost the economy. However, massive national fiscal deficits and soaring public debt contributed to the 2010 European sovereign-debt crisis which caused severe financial market shocks and turmoil, Euro currency depreciation, and a worldwide slowdown of the economy. Social, economic and systemic problems of southern European states triggered the Eurozone debt crisis. In order to avoid contagion triggered by the debt crisis, the European Union, International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank launched a series of emergency bailout measures. For long-term stable economic growth, the crisis-affected countries have been tasked to carry out socio-economic structural reforms and fiscal consolidation to fire up national competitiveness and maintain financial sustainability. Since the EU is already the world’s largest economy, the European debt crisis has slowed down economic growth in Europe, and has also impacted the global economy, including Taiwan, in terms of psychological, international trade and financial aspects. As a small trade-oriented open economy, Taiwan is vulnerable to international economic situations. Therefore, it is important to give important attention to events like the Eurozone debt crisis. This thesis examines the financial crisis literature as well as the causes and relationship of financial crises. Second, it focuses on the causes of the debt crisis and coping measures, in order to assess future direction and solutions. Third, controversial fiscal consolidation is explored, and how governments strike a balance between austerity and economic growth. Finally, an analysis of the impact of the European debt crisis on the global economy and in Taiwan. The economic, financial, fiscal and debt situation in Taiwan, as well as suggestions for reform, are also covered.


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