  • 學位論文


Different parents- The self-identity of the children of parents with disabilities

指導教授 : 林萬億


過往有關身心障礙的研究大多偏重於障礙者本身或其家人的適應問題,然而,身心障礙者的子女的身心困境、需求和自我認同的過程卻常被忽略。本研究欲了解身心障礙者的子女如何看待父母親的障礙,過往的生活經驗為何?而父母親的障礙如何影響子女定義與看待自我,以及障礙者的子女如何從他人的眼中了解其自身,並為自己下定義與了解其在社會的位置,又如何影響子女的自我認同。 本研究為探索性的研究,採取質性研究的深度訪談法,透過立意抽樣的方式,共訪談6位受訪者,年齡介於18至30歲之間,男女比例各半。受訪者的父親或母親成為身心障礙者的時間皆超過25年以上,其中受訪者的父或母親障礙為肢體障礙有三名,兩名為精神障礙者,一名為雙親皆為聽語障者。 本研究採取敘事心理的眼光,來探索與瞭解身心障礙者的子女在這些特殊的社會脈絡之下,是如何建構其認同內涵的,並透過這樣的故事敘說,以一種回顧的眼光,將豐厚個人的生命故事呈現,一方面了解關於身心障礙者的子女在認同歷程上所經歷的經驗與意義,另一方面幫助說敘說故事者確認其生命意義。 研究發現身心障礙的子女的生活經驗有其共通性:(一)子女對家庭的承擔與照顧責任較多、(二)逃避不了的眼光、(三)「異樣」的經驗、(四)男女朋友交往及婚姻的考量不同、(五)父母的高期待、自我的要求與補償性競爭心理。在自我認同發展歷程中,身障者的子女在面對身心障礙父母時主要經歷三個階段:感受不一樣、忍受或適應異樣眼光、接受特殊及發展自我,其中部分受訪者產生自卑與烙印感受,每一個階段的轉變都是來自於不同的影響因素。而在因應方式部份,部分受訪者選擇消極態度,表示生活就是這樣子,宿命的被決定,有的受訪者則正常的看待父母是身心障礙者的狀況,認為無明顯差異感受。 根據研究結論,本研究在社會福利政策面、社會工作實務與社會工作研究方面提出反省與建議。


The past studies on the disabled usually focus on the adaptation of the disabled individuals and their family. However, the predicaments, needs and process of self-identity of the children of parents with disabilities are often neglected. This study seeks to explore how children of parents with disabilities view the disabilities of their parents, what have their past life experiences been, how the disabilities of the parents influence the children’s definition and treatment of their self, how the children of parents with disabilities understand themselves from the eyes of others and define and understand their social position, and how this in turn influences the children’s self-identity. This study is an exploratory study using an in-depth interview approach in qualitative research methodology and selects six interviewees (including three males and three females) at the age of 18 to 30 years by purposive sampling. The time for which one of the parents of the interviewees is disabled all exceeds 25 years, wherein three interviewees’ parent is physically disability, two’s mentally disability, and one’s both parents are speaking and hearing disabilities. The study explores how the children of parents with disabilities construct their identity in the special social context from the perspective of narrative psychology. Such narrative enriches the presentation of personal life stories in a retrospective view, which in one way helps the children of parents with disabilities understand the experiences in their identity process and meanings thereof and in another helps the narrator confirm the meaning of life. The study finds that the life experiences of the children of parents with disabilities have the following in common: (1) children assuming more responsibility and taking more care of the family; (2) inescapable judgment of other people; (3) the experience of feeling “abnormal;” (4) different concerns in making boyfriend and girlfriend and in marriage; and (5) parents’ high expectations, self-requirements and compensatory rivalry effect. In the course of developing self-identity, the children of parents with disabilities mainly experience three stages: feeling, tolerating or adapting to peculiar looks on others’ faces; accepting the particularity; and developing the self, wherein some interviewees feel inferiority and stigma, and the transformation of each stage results from different influencing factors. As for coping strategies, some interviewees choose a passive attitude and determinism, saying that life is just like this, while some interviewees treat the situation of parents being physically and mentally disabilities in a normal way, feeling no significant differences. Based on the conclusions, the study provides reflection and suggestions for social welfare policies, social work practice and social work research.


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