  • 學位論文


Effects of Ethanol Extract Derived from Fruit-Body of Antrodia cinnamomea on the Metastasis of Lewis Lung Carcinoma (LLC) in Mice

指導教授 : 陳秀男


本研究利用乙醇萃取樟芝(Antrodia cinnamomea)子實體,並以齊墩果酸(oleanolic acid)之標準品,在分光光度法(spectrophotometry)下測定總三萜含量,透過口服灌食的方法應用於小鼠癌症轉移模式。 本研究結果顯示,口服灌食低劑量(8 mg/kg of body weight)樟芝萃取物之小鼠顯著減緩原發性腫瘤生長與降低血清中MMP-9、MMP-2含量,並發現降低肺臟MMP-9活性與癌細胞轉移至肺臟現象;同時,灌食高、低劑量樟芝萃取物後小鼠血清中TIMP-1和TIMP-2維持相對於未灌食樟芝萃取物組表現較低,而口服灌食高劑量(80 mg/kg of body weight)與低劑量(8 mg/kg of body weight)樟芝萃取物之處理對小鼠血清中的VEGF含量無顯著性影響。 總括上述而論,樟芝萃取物降低了促癌細胞轉移因子,減緩原發性腫瘤生長,並降低癌細胞轉移的現象。未來在抗癌藥物的開發及研究上,找出有效輔助性治療癌症刻不容緩,我們的研究成果建議樟萃取物在未來發展癌症藥物應用上,可能具有輔助性治療的潛力。


In the present study, ethanol extract of fruit body of Antrodia cinnamomea (EEAC) was applied for the investigation using murine model. When the experimental mice treat 8 mg/kg of b.w. level, the primary tumor was significantly suppressed and the concentration of metalloproteinases (MMP)-9 and MMP-2 in serum were also reduced. The results of gelatin zymography assay showed that EEAC at 8 mg/kg of b.w. may suppress the activity of MMP-9 in lung tissue. When the animals were treated with EEAC at 8 or 80 mg/kg of b.w., respectively the clinical prognostic indicator such TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 were keep of a low concentration level. However, no significant variation VEGF in serum was detected in the treated mice. In the present study show that may significantly reduce the metastasis of lung cancer in the experimental mice. It is concluded that EEAC may effectively mediate the factors for the promotion of metastasis of cancer cells and reduce the growth of primary tumor. Results obtained from the present study may suggest that EEAC may possess a potentiality for cancer chemotherapeutic activity.


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