  • 學位論文


Feasibility Analysis on Poultry Manure as a Bio-Fuel Feedstock for Electricity Power Plant Investment - A Case Study of Chunghua County

指導教授 : 張靜貞
共同指導教授 : 蘇忠楨(Jung-Jeng Su)


近年來世界上之先進國家皆逐漸加強對於使用再生能源的重視性,而台灣地區之能源使用因絕大多數需仰賴進口,故政府近年亦積極投入於加強我國之能源自主性與再生能源之發展。使用雞糞廢棄物做為生質能燃燒發電之原料,除可提供國人多一種再生能源選項外,亦可解決目前農民過度施用雞糞造成之土壤氮肥汙染以及地下水汙染問題,故值得針對其發展之可行性進行評估。 本研究首先透過問卷調查來了解台灣地區養雞戶飼養之雞隻排泄物處理的特性,並找出養雞戶是否願意提供雞糞原料予燃燒發電廠使用之主要影響因素;接著選出彰化縣內最適合設立燃燒發電廠的鄉鎮,並求得供料之組成之鄉鎮;最後,對雞糞燃燒發電廠之成本及收益項作成本效益分析,以判斷是否具有投資可行性,並探討可能之補助方式以及提供政府於法令政策上可行之建議。 由問卷分析結果可知,台灣地區養雞戶之蛋雞糞通常清出後會先置於空地上曝曬後方予運送售出,而肉雞糞則是從場中清出後便直接運送售出,因此不同雞種之糞便清除頻率亦有所差異。於雞糞供給意願方面,大多數之養雞戶是同意於提供雞糞予燃燒發電廠再利用,但對於提供雞糞予燃燒發電場之意願,則以出售方式的不同有顯著差異性存在,目前無償給出雞糞之雞農提供雞糞予燃燒發電廠之同意程度較目前有償售出雞糞之雞農來得小。設廠鄉鎮選擇方面,於設定之背景條件限制式之下,經由線性規劃方法以總運輸成本最小化為目標,結果顯示以彰化縣當中之芳苑鄉為最適合的雞糞燃燒發電廠設立鄉鎮,且所需要之雞糞原料供給範圍由芳苑鄉及二林鎮兩鄉鎮所組成即已足夠。 雞糞燃燒發電廠之投資於無政府單位法令政策輔助或現金補貼之下,三種供料情境假設(情境1:有償取得原料、情境2:條件交換取得原料、情境3:無償取得原料)皆不具備投資可行性,而若對於初始設備或售電價格進行補貼,於情境2及情境3之下具有其投資可行性,此外亦可知售電價格為兩者之中具有較高敏感度之變數,故政府單位若欲推動雞糞燃燒發電方案,則於搭配情境2或情境3當中之相關法令政策及適度補貼下,是具有其發展空間的。


The source of energy in Taiwan mostly comes from import. According to the Taiwan Energy Policy Whitepaper (2006), in order to achieve sustainable development targets in the future, the future development strategies of energy in Taiwan include the promotion and utilisation of non-carbon renewable energy. Using chicken manure as the raw material for power plants not only provides an alternative source for energy but also solves the land and water pollution problems from high nitrate concentration of animal wastes. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the feasibility of using chicken manure as the feedstock of the electricity power plant in Taiwan. First, we conduct a questionnaire survey to find out how chicken owners deal with chickens' manure and what factor influences the willingness of manure supply. Then we build a linear programming model to choose the township as the target to set up the power plant in Changhua, and know which townships can become the suppliers of the manure. Finally, we use the cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the feasibility of the power plant investment, and find possible ways for the government to provide the proper incentive mechanism. According to the questionnaire analysis, the layers' manure are usually disposed after sun-dried but the broilers' manure are disposed directly after cleaning in Taiwan. The owners mostly agree to provide chicken manure for burning power but there are significant differences about the willingness to supply manure. Owners who sell manure agree to provide chicken manure for the power plant, but owners who provide manure for free don't agree to provide manure for the power plant. The linear programming results show that Fangyuan township is the place for setting the power plant due to its low transport costs. The raw material supply come from Fangyuan and Erlin townships. The power plant using chicken manure does not have the investment feasibility under all three scenarios without any government subsidy. If the government subsidizes the equipments or electric selling prices, then the investment will be feasible under two scenarios. The subsidization based on electricity price is found to be more sensitive than subsidizing the equipment. Thus, with proper policy intervention based on scenarios 2 and 3, there will be opportunity for the power plant to become sustainable.


