  • 學位論文

壓不扁的玫瑰 - 中國大陸調查記者的生存困境與突圍策略

The Uncrushable Roses-- Predicaments and Tactics of the Investigative Journalists in China

指導教授 : 張錦華
共同指導教授 : 何榮幸


隨著兩岸交流愈趨密切,我們需要認識更透明的中國,但中國的威權體制習慣隱匿真相,便有賴於調查記者為公眾挖掘真相。隨著兩岸交流愈趨密切,台灣需要對中國有更深入、全面、真實的認知。但在威權體制籠罩下的中國,真相就如奢侈品般稀少而代價高昂,發掘真相還有賴於有勇有謀的調查記者。 在自由之家發佈的《2013年全球新聞自由度報告》中,中國排第179名,是全球最大的新聞不自由國家。自2012年中共領導層權力交接以來,以習近平為主的領導班子顯著加大了對媒體的管控,不僅平面媒體的限制增多,甚至有記者因觸犯宣傳條規而遭到調職。 其實,中國自胡錦濤於2004年提出和諧社會以來,新聞空間就被不斷收緊。相反地,中國的網路產業卻在十年間快速成長,許多調查記者菁英便轉戰網路,順理成章地將新聞專業主義帶往入口網站(中國稱「門戶網站」),在新聞頻道繼續實踐調查報導精神。 本文使用傅柯的「倫理主體」和布爾迪厄的「生存心態」概念,建構一理論框架以瞭解中國調查記者如何在政治與資本的雙重結構困境下,援引自身資本並巧設策略,令揭露黑幕的調查報導得以發表。此外,作者也試圖闡述中國調查記者所採用之突圍策略的機會與限制。 此篇深度報導論文合計採訪33位記者與學者,從外在壓力、個人主體和政治機會等面向勾勒中國調查記者的突圍經驗。他們嫻熟地使用網路科技,突破政治壓力下的新聞管制;平面媒體的調查記者能使用微博這類線上社交工具,找到關鍵的深喉為他們的報導提供證據;另外,部分記者則看重手機通訊軟體的私密性與其相對寬鬆的審查制度,選擇在微信等公共平台經營自媒體。 中國調查記者從實踐中不斷修正自已對邊界的計算,即使新聞空間持續限縮,他們仍保持信心,伺機而動,準備用調查報導來拓寬中國的言論邊界。


This in-depth report focuses on the tactics used by investigative journalists in China to disclose social tensions and the predicament they are in .In ‘Freedom of the Press 2013,’ a report ranking global press freedom and publishing annually by Freedom House, China ranks 179th out of 196 countries. Since November 2012, constraints on print media have become more extensive after the leadership transition, and several journalists were dismissed or demoted for violating press regulations. Under this predicament, to the surprise of most people, there are still many Chinese journalists willing to risk their jobs for the sake of digging out facts This thesis develops a theoretical framework in order to understand how Chinese investigative journalists set tactics and utilize their limited resources to disclose the truth under the political and economic pressures. By interviewing 33 investigative journalists and scholars in China, this paper elaborates on three main aspects. Firstly, it’s the possibilities generated by dilemma between central government and local political power. Secondly, the journalists’ assets including their own network and efficiently usage of progressing internet technologies. Thirdly, it delivers limitations of investigative journalism in the circumstances. The findings of this report show that the journalists proficiently use online micro-blogging tool such as “ weibo” to find key person who is able to provide evidences for the coverage, and thus able to break through the censorship under political pressures. In addition, “wechat,” a popular messaging & social media service in China which increases the government’s cost of monitoring , the profits earned and the potential market make it hard to be pinned down. As a result, more and more journalists venture their “wemedia” on “wechat” platform. In practice, Chinese investigative journalists are actually still toeing the line, modifying their strategies, trying to keep the faith and waiting for the moment of broadening the boundary of press freedom by their investigative coverage.


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