  • 學位論文


The Implementation of Textual and Geographical Reading System - A Case Study of Records of the Three Kingdoms

指導教授 : 項潔


近年來,在日新月異的資訊科技下,許多歷史資料被數位化,並運用地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System),以空間的面向呈現歷史的脈絡,提供歷史學者一個新的觀察角度,視覺化呈現亦可以更快速掌握文本提供的資訊,為人文研究帶來很大的便利。 然而,地理資訊系統雖然便利,但是對多數使用者而言有一定的門檻存在,需要花費額外的時間與心力去學習,使人文研究與地理資訊系統間無法發揮相輔相成的效果。因此,如何打造一個具親和力又直覺的系統,有效結合文本與地圖,使兩者之間環環相扣,方便使用者做研究,便成為本研究希望達成的目標。簡而言之就是建構一個結合文本與地圖的檢索與閱讀系統,幫助使用者同時閱讀文本與地圖。 本研究以中國史書《三國志》為例,結合三國時代的地理資料,開發一個圖文整合的系統,在系統中的檢索與閱讀等功能皆由文本與地圖互相配合作呈現,輔以一些簡單的GIS功能,使歷史研究者能從視覺化的角度觀察文本的空間資訊。此系統一方面能協助使用者閱讀文本,希望可以幫助找出單純閱讀文本不容易看出的脈絡,開啟歷史研究一個新的面向,另一方面亦可作為GIS的入門工具,協助跨越對使用GIS作為研究工具的門檻,進而瞭解GIS對歷史研究的幫助。


Historical documents often involve locations. With the advances in digital technology, it becomes possible to incorporate historical geographic information into historical texts to provide better visual aid of spatial information when studying these documents. GIS (Geographic Information System) is a convenient way of achieving this effect. However, for many scholars without much knowledge in geography or computer systems, mastering GIS to achieve the desired effect may be difficult. The goal of this thesis is to build a user-friendly and intuitive GIS tool combined with texts and maps for scholars to build their own georeferenced text. We have also developed a browsing environment for the general reader to view the resulting text. In this thesis, we use the “Records of the Three Kingdoms” as an example. Combined with a map of the Three Kingdoms era (produced by the GIS Center of the Academia Sinica), and developed with a WebGIS tool, our system allows the user to read the text and view the associated locations on the map simultaneously. Search and retrieval functions, together with some statistical analysis (such as the frequencies of person and locations in a given text), are also provided. Some simple GIS functions, such as identifying existing locations in a polygon or the order of appearances of locations, are also included.


GIS HGIS Records of the Three Kingdoms


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