  • 學位論文


Beyond survival:Migrant workers' leisure time in Taiwan

指導教授 : 曾嬿芬 林照真


自1989年政府以專案形式引進移工,25年來,移工在製造業、營造業、漁業和家戶之中,已成為台灣不可或缺的基層勞動力。當政策、法規乃至於社會大眾,聚焦於提升移工的勞動產值、降低引進移工的社會成本之際,亦漠視了他們作為個體的基本生活要求。 移工如何從勞動機器過渡到人?如何在休閒生活中,找回一個人的基本尊嚴?本報導描繪移工休假時的樣貌,以假日火車站周邊的東南亞商圈為始,逐步遞進到小吃店、漁港和宗教場域,在語言、文化、飲食和信仰的交集下,群聚,讓移工找到歸屬與認同,不再是置身他鄉、飄泊無根的人。卸下工作狀態,移工逐步刻劃出自己的生活藍圖,他們心中對於自身情感、群體權益的渴求,也獲得實踐的機會。 因此,休假之於移工,不僅是調劑身心,而是重新鍵連社會關係,在假期給予的自由下,拾回平時被扭曲、抑制的勞動意識和人權想像。本報導認為,休假作為問題的起點,揭示後續的勞動權、社會權,乃至公民身分的問題。當論及移工勞動權益,休假始終是最初而最重要的命題。


Since the foreign workers’ introducing and implementing policy was officially launched in 1989, migrant workers have become an indispensable work force in the industry of manufacturing, construction, and fishing, let alone the household in Taiwan. They play an essential part in the basic level of Taiwan’s labour force. Nevertheless, it seems that our policy, regulations, and even the whole society focus merely on enhancing the value of output per unit of labour and reducing their hiring cost. Their demands for being treat like “human being” and equal human rights are largely invisible to the employers and the management. Migrant workers are not working machines. How do they stand on their dignity on their leisure time? This essay provides a picture of migrant workers’ off day life. Sharing the same language, culture, food, and religious belief, migrants have gradually built up their sense of belonging and identification during gathering, from places like the Southeast Asia shopping district around the train stations, restaurants, church to everywhere. They are not alone when uniting. They are no longer foreigners who feel like rootless floating weeds. When they are off duty, they learn to depict their own living picture, where their desire for personal affection and labor rights can be achieved. Therefore, the importance of day off for migrant worker cannot be overemphasized. For them, it is not simply a relaxing time but also a time to rebuild the social relationship in the foreign country they work for. With the freedom that workers can enjoy during this period, they can set up conscious of labor and human rights which was disguised on their daily work. This article argues that the root cause of migrant workers problem results from the issue of insufficient day off, which also explains the appearance of the following problems like labor right, social and culture right, and citizenship. Therefore, we believe that when it comes to labour right, holiday entitlement of migrant workers is always the top priority and the most noteworthy issue as well.




