  • 學位論文


Research on Relationship of Social Support, Parental Efficacy and Parenting Stress among Single Parents

指導教授 : 鄭麗珍


單親家庭已經成為現代社會中諸多家庭形態的一種,但是家庭結構的差異往往使單親家長較為容易落入經濟、子女教養與照顧、社會人際適應和情緒適應的困境之中。因此,單親家長的親職壓力成為值得關注的議題。Abidin的親職壓力理論指出,社會支持與親職效能都是能夠有效降低親職壓力的重要因子,但國內以單親家長為對象的相關研究卻相當匱乏。有鑑於此,本研究使用量化方法,以檢測社會支持與親職效能與親職壓力的關係,期待能探究單親家長壓力的現況,辨別影響其親職壓力的因素,並根據研究結果對未來服務單親家長之實務工作者與政策提出建議。 本研究採用量化典範,以立意抽樣的策略,透過結構式問卷對全台共946位單親家長進行調查,其中納入統計分析的有效問卷為441份。此外,研究者採用SPSS AMOS統計軟體進行驗證性因素分析,並使用SPSS統計軟體進行整體模型的檢測與分析,以確保測量工具的信效度與整體資料的品質,其結果均呈現良好水準,顯見資料具有良好的品質,足以信服。 研究結果顯示,單親家長的收入與就業狀態與親職壓力有顯著相關。在多元迴歸分析的結果中,也指出單親家長的收入與就業狀態是唯二能夠預測親職壓力的背景變項。在控制背景變項後,社會支持與親職效能均能有效預測單親家長的親職壓力,當單親家長在親職方面獲得的社會支持越多,親職效能越高,其親職壓力感受就越低。此外,在中介效果的檢測中,也發現親職效能在社會支持與親職壓力的關係中,具有部份中介的效果。即缺乏社會支持造成的高親職壓力,能透過親職效能的提升間接降低。 根據上述研究發現,研究者建議實務工作者除了應重新檢視單親服務性質,平衡實質服務內容外,也應重視單親家長的家庭支持系統與提供強化親職效能的服務方案。此外,在政策層面也應重視單親家長照顧子女的壓力,強化公共托育系統的規劃,並建立整合性的單親家庭服務,以從根本改善單親家庭所處的壓力困境。未來也期待能夠發展足以反映整體單親家長族群親職壓力樣貌的研究,並發展適用於單親家長的測量工具、納入子女層面的因素,以期開拓親職壓力議題在單親領域的深度與廣度。


For the past decades, single-parent families has become one of major family forms. However, single-parent family heads experience predicaments of economic shortage, parenting stress, shrinking social network, and psychological stress. Parental stress is considered as a strong predictor for child abuse and neglect. The strategies for buffering parental stress among single parents are called for to strengthen parental efficacy and social support. This study aims to examine the buffering effects of parental efficacy and social support on reducing parental stress among single parents. A quantitative approach to data collecting was used to examine the relationship among parental efficacy, social support and parental stress. Purposive sampling nine hundred and forty-six single parents were purposively sampled from welfare agencies, schools, and other sources through structured questionnaire survey. And four hundred and forty-one valid questionnaires were collected. Results show that single parents’ income and employment status significantly related to their parenting stress. However, when controlled for their income and employment status, single parents’ social support and parental efficacy could buffer their parenting stress, which means higher social support and parental efficacy could reduce their parenting stress. In order to examine the interaction between social support and parental efficacy, this study tested the mediating effect of social support on parental stress through parental efficacy. Result indicated that parental efficacy played an important role in mediating social support on parental stress among the single parents. It means that social support alone was not enough to buffer parenting stress among single parents. It would strengthen the effect of social support on stress through parental efficacy. Implications for practice and policy are included.


