  • 學位論文


Plant Growth Identification and Control System Based on Cloud Web Service

指導教授 : 周瑞仁


本研究所開發之雲端植物生長監控與鑑別系統,係利用雲端資源可動態分配的擴充性,以及 Web Service 可跨平台之整合性,建構出以服務模式為導向之整合監控與鑑別相關功能,藉此結合服務提供者、服務需求者與仲介服務端,使資源得以共享與有效地利用,並降低營運與試驗成本,以提升植物生長的質與量。 本研究系統包含三大部分:雲端服務平台、監控與鑑別系統及閘道器。雲端服務平台整合系統之服務功能,並扮演仲介服務的角色,服務需求者可根據需求於雲端服務平台呼叫服務;監控與鑑別系統則是扮演服務提供者,提供遠端監控與較佳生長參數鑑別之服務;閘道器則將監控與鑑別系統以及雲端服務平台建立起溝通管道,並做為雙向服務參考、資料傳輸轉換與服務整合之媒介。本研究建置之監控與鑑別系統,目的是為了增加作物生長狀態的可觀性與監控環境可控性,以掌握作物的生長過程,以及解決量產空間可觀性不足、成本高與風險高的情況,為此監控架構的設計分為兩個部分,分別做為作物之生長環境與生長狀態參考依據的對照組平台,以及進行作物試驗之試驗組平台,試驗組平台將追蹤至與對照組平台一致的環境,再根據試驗設計改變其中一個環境參數,其餘參數則依據對照組環境持續追蹤,並透過作物生長狀態進行即時比較,藉此達成作物生長參數的鑑別。因此系統運作功能包含,即時環境監控、即時植物生長狀態檢測、資料擷取、紀錄與作物較佳生長參數的鑑別。基於監控與鑑別系統運作功能,結合Web Service 技術,分別開發歷史資訊擷取、即時環境監視與系統調控三種系統功能服務,將服務整合於雲端服務平台,因此服務需求者可透過雲端服務平台所提供之服務整合介面,予以操作監控與鑑別系統。簡言之,本系統透過雲端運算、網際網路與 Web Service 技術整合需求資源,使用者可藉由網際網路之虛擬環境,操作位於各處的實體設備。


In this study, we develop a plant growth control and identification system based on cloud, because of the scalability of cloud resources and the cross platforms integration of web service. Thus the system is constructed by using service-oriented to integrate the capability of control and identification. To combine service providers, service requesters and service brokers, not only the resources can be shared and efficiently used, but also reduce the cost of operating and experimental, and improve the quality and quantity of plant growth. In this study, the system include three parts: the cloud service platform, the control and identification system and the gateway. The cloud service platform is like services brokers to integrate services, and the service requesters calls the services on the cloud service platform on demand. The control and identification system plays a role of service provider, which provide remote control, monitoring and better growth parameter identify service. The cloud service platform and the control and identification system are communicate through the gateway. The gateway works as two-way web service interaction, data transmission and conversion, services integration. The purpose of the control and identification system constructed in this study is increasing the crop growth status observability and the environment controllability in order to observe the crop growth status, solve the lack of observability, high cost and high-risk situations in mass production. Thus the control and the monitoring structure is designed in two parts: the comparison group platform which gives crop growth environment parameters and growth status as reference input for the experimental group platform. The experimental group platform for crop experiment. The experimental group platform will track growth environment parameters to be consistent with the environment of the comparison group platform, and then change one of the environment parameter according to experimental design. The rest of the environment parameters will continue tracking the reference input. By comparing the crop growth status with each other in real time, we can identify the crop growth parameters. Therefore, operation of the system capability include real time environmental monitoring, real-time plant growth status detection, data capture, record and better growth parameter identify of crop. Based on those, we use web service technology to develop three kinds of service include historical data retrieve service, real-time environmental monitoring service and system-control service. We integrate these services to the cloud services platform, so that the service requesters can operate the control and identification system through interface of services integration. Briefly, the system in this study use cloud computing, internet and web service technology to integrate needed resources. Service requesters can operate the equipment located throughout by the virtual environment on the internet.


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