  • 學位論文


A Study on the Crime of Malicious Accusation: An Analysis Focusing on Legal Interests

指導教授 : 李茂生


誣告罪作為歷史悠久的犯罪,從傳統中國法著重於保護被誣告者個人法益的誣告反坐制度,到繼受歐陸法體系後轉變為罪刑相當的條文規範,現今一般學說與實務皆認為誣告的保護法益主要是保護國家司法作用,兼及保護個人法益,但關於國家與個人法益的地位與實際內涵則少有著墨,導致無法精確描述誣告罪之本質,因此,本論文即嘗試從保護法益的角度來探究誣告罪之本質。 司法作為國家的重要任務,是透過法律知識與法律語言的高門檻形塑出司法制度的權威性來建立國家統治的正當性基礎。然而,司法系統的誤判危險無法完全排除,而虛偽申告的資訊會帶來誤判危險,一旦誤判則必須付出高額成本補償,以平復司法系統的動盪,此即為誣告罪的國家法益內涵。至於個人法益,則是被誣告者在刑事程序中所遭受的侵害與侵害的危險,蓋意圖使人入罪的誣告行為,若具有開啟偵查程序的能量,則會造成被告自由與名譽的侵害,並承擔著訟累。 一旦具有開啟偵查程序可能的虛偽告訴,則會同時連結到個人法益侵害,以及國家法益侵害的危險。因此,實際上是用個人法益的侵害作為國家法益侵害危險的證明,且個人法益受侵害與否,亦是用來判斷刑度輕重的要素,此即為副法益的觀點。若得到被誣告者的同意而阻卻個人法益侵害的違法性,但無法阻卻國家法益侵害而仍會成立誣告罪,不過在罪責上會予以減輕。相對地,若誣告行為具有更高度使人入罪的危險性,則應處以較重的刑度。 使人入罪危險性作為判斷誣告行為成罪的關鍵,對應到客觀要件上,其必須致使檢察官發動偵查或開啟行政懲戒程序;而在主觀要件上,則會與使人受刑事或懲戒處分的「意圖」相連結。至於準誣告罪與湮滅證據罪的差異,即在於主觀意圖的有無,而偽證罪應以使人入罪或出罪的差別區分出刑度之輕重。


Malicious accusation has been regulated as a crime for a long time. From ancient China criminal law system to European continental law system, the regulation and the legal interest of malicious accusation have been changed a lot. Now most of the scholars and the jurists regard the legal interests of malicious accusation as both national interests and personal interests. However, the real content of the legal interests are still untouched, and it will make the essence of malicious accusation remain unknown. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is discover the essence of malicious accusation through the study of legal interests. Justice is one of the important duties of nation, so every nation would make efforts to protect the authority of Justice. Also, the deep knowledge and high language ability make the authority of Justice intact. However, the risk of receiving an unjust judgment is unavoidable, and malicious accusation would bring the unjust judgment to the defendant. The consequence of unjust judgment is the turmoil in legal system. Hence, the main purpose of the punishment of malicious accusation is to prevent the legal system from collapse. Besides, it also protects the innocent defendant from being in a verdict of guilty. Once the prosecutor receives a specific malicious accusation and decides to conduct the investigation, it would not only make the defendant suffer from the damage of freedom, reputation, and the cost of money, time, and strength, but also endanger the legal system. In other words, the key point to make a malicious accusation unlawful is its capability to lead to the investigation. Malicious accusation as an offender of abstract danger, we use personal damage to proof national damage. Therefore, the personal damage is the proof of national damage and the factor of sentence. If the malicious accusation has higher possibilities to put the defendant in jail, it should receive severe sentence; if it has lower possibilities or has the defendant’s consent, it should take lighter sentence.




