  • 學位論文


The Crime of Public Officials' Neglect of Duties Causing Catastrophe: An Analysis Focusing on Legal Interests

指導教授 : 李茂生


刑法第一三○條規定,「公務員廢弛職務釀成災害者,處三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。」是謂公務員廢弛職務釀成災害罪。本條規定是在重大災害事故中,用以追究公務員失職之刑事責任的主要及基本條款,惟其規範內容十分簡略,且歷來與本條規定相關的研究文獻數目並不十分充足,相關的實務判決數目也並非眾多,無法就本罪之要件及適用對象或範圍形成穩固明確的見解,導致本條罪名在解釋適用上產生許多疑義。 本文的第一大部分,將先從本罪之立法沿革,以及與本罪相關的既有學說文獻之蒐羅彙整出發,並佐以數個具代表性的法院判決之整理介紹,試圖先行描繪出刑法第一三○條公務員廢弛職務釀成災害罪,在解釋適用上現況之輪廓,作為接下來進一步研究討論的基礎。 緊接著在本文的第二大部分,基於法益保護是當代刑法最重要機能的思維,本文從體系解釋、歷史解釋、比較法等等觀點,兼以刑度均衡的考量,嘗試解釋出刑法第一三○條公務員廢弛職務釀成災害罪之保護法益內容,亦即兼具有保護人民對公務員公正適切執行防災職務之信賴的國家法益,以及涉及不特定或多數個人之生命、身體及財產之保護的公共安全法益。 植基於上開第一三○條保護法益之見解,本文在第三大部分回過頭來檢視本罪之構成要件,並試圖提出合於法益保護必要性的判斷標準。關於本罪中的「災害」要件,根據上開本罪以「公共安全」為保護法益之一的見解,本文以為應以釀成公共危險之災難為度。至於行為主體的部分,就公務員身分及其職務內容是否合於第一三○條規定之要件一事,本文認為應該從功能性觀點加以考察;且由於就「防災職務」之內容不易事先劃定其範圍,因此應該予以彈性認定,並且委諸個案中之因果關係加以實質判斷。 而至於在具體個案中可能因為因果關係之認定,導致在適用的對象上有未盡公平之情況,本文則扼要提出因果關係認定標準的再思索作為回應。然而,根本的解決之道可能是要從法條文字之修正加以著手,以明確劃定其適用範圍,並符合實際上多數相關案件的事實態樣。


公務員 廢弛職務 災害 法益 信賴 公共危險 因果關係


The Article 130, “A public official who neglects his duties thereby causing a catastrophe shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than three years but not more than ten years.,” of ROC(Taiwan) Criminal Code, is the main and essential clause used to chase public officials’ legal responsibility after a catastrophe occurs. Nevertheless, since the structure of the Article 130 is quite simplified, and the amount of correlated references and judgments is not very sufficient, there remains many problems in the ways of explanation and application of the Article 130. In the first part of this thesis, the discussion begins with the history of the Article 130, in the collection of related references and several representative judgments, trying to depict the outline of how the Article 130 is being explained and applied at present, which is the foundation of following discussion. In the second part, based on the thought that the protection of legal interests is the most important purpose of modern criminal law, this thesis tries to figure out the legal interests of the Article 130 from the views of system, history, comparative law, and the consideration of the balance between crime and punishment. In this thesis’ opinion, there are two main legal interests of the Article 130; the first one is the trust from the general public toward the public officials that the public officials would execute their own business impartially and appropriately, and the second one is public safety related to the protection of plural personal legal interests of unspecified persons or multiple specified persons. After determining what the legal interests are, the thesis goes back to examine the components of the Article 130, trying to point out proper standards, which correspond with the above-mentioned suggestion of the legal interests of the Article 130, to interpret these components. In this thesis’ opinion, the “catastrophes” of the Article 130 shall be the ones endangering public safety. As for the “duties” or business of the public official, since it is difficult to identify previously whether one specific public official is responsible for preventing the occurrence of a certain catastrophe, the determination shall be based on the ascertainment of the causal relationship in each individual case.


