  • 學位論文

日本語教育におけるオノマトペの提出順序 ─意味・用法の観点を加えて─

A Systematic Approach to Teaching and Learning Japanese Onomatopoeia -From Semantic and Syntactic Perspectives-

指導教授 : 林立萍


擬聲語和擬態語是一類極具特色的日語詞彙,在日本人的日常生活會話中,扮演重要而不可或缺的角色。本研究的主要目的在於,先從既有的文獻當中選定使用頻率較高的詞彙,考察其語意和語法的特徵,進而決定初級、中級、高級各個學習階段的基本詞彙。 首先,依照抽象度的高低,將各個擬聲語和擬態語的詞義分為三類,這三類分別是(A)具體的動作和狀態、(B)抽象的動作和狀態、以及(C)人的內在狀態,並參考字典的解釋和例句,討論各個詞彙的詞義分類。其次,根據各個詞彙的文法機能,將其用法分為(a)副詞用法、(b)suru(する)用法、以及(c)其他用法三類,並從詞義的層面檢視各個詞彙的用法。 最後,綜合語意和語法的考察結果,將以上各分類訂出優先順序。就詞義分類而言,依據學習的難易度,以(A)具體的動作和狀態為最優先,(B)抽象的動作和狀態次之,(C)人的內在狀態為最後。就用法分類而言,則按照文法機能的複雜度,以單一用法的詞彙為最優先,兩種用法的詞彙次之,三種用法的詞彙為最後。按此順序從語意和語法的觀點提出初級、中級、高級的基本詞彙之後,歸納各個學習階段的詞彙特徵,並據此提出具體的教學方法。 本研究從語意和語法的觀點考察使用頻率較高的日語擬聲語和擬態語,根據其特徵提出初級、中級、高級的基本詞彙,進一步提供可能的教學方法,以期在往後的日語教育中,能將擬聲語和擬態語更積極地納入課程當中。


This thesis aims to provide a systematic approach to teaching and learning Japanese onomatopoeia by means of analyzing its semantic and syntactic features. First, in order to determine the basic vocabulary of Japanese onomatopoeia, words of high frequency are selected as target items for further analysis. Second, according to their semantic features, these words are divided into three categories, which are (A) Descriptions of concrete events, (B) Descriptions of abstract concepts, and (C) Descriptions of internal states. The syntactic features are also discussed, which leads to the conclusion that the grammatical function of these words can be categorized into (a) Adverbial usage, (b) Suru (する) usage, and (c) Other types of usage. Finally, based on their semantic and syntactic features, these words are classified into three different levels, which are basic level, intermediate level, and advanced level. Moreover, the characteristics of the words of each level are summarized, and different strategies of teaching and learning these words are presented. In this thesis, the basic vocabulary of Japanese onomatopoeia is examined from semantic and syntactic perspectives. A systematic approach to teaching and learning Japanese onomatopoeia is offered, which suggests the possibility of incorporating this group of words into the curriculum of Japanese language education in the future.


小野正弘編(2007)『擬音語・擬態語4500 日本語オノマトペ辞典』小学館
社団法人日本語教育学会編(1992)『日本語教育事典 縮刷版』大修館書店
