  • 學位論文


Estimating Local Vp/Vs ratios within Similar Earthquake Clusters in Taiwan Region

指導教授 : 吳逸民


現今,大家普遍使用地震的走時資料來逆推出震波層析成像 ( Seismic Tomography) 並得出Vp/Vs值。但是,因為網格化與逆推方法的使用,讓層析成像大多使用於大構造上的解析。有鑑於此,Lin and Shearer (2007)提出了套新的方法,透過利用相似地震群內的波形資料,藉由波形的交叉相關法可以量測到P波與S波的到時差異來計算出Vp/Vs值。這個新的技術,也被前人證明具有計算出高解析度Vp/Vs值的能力。台灣地區位在地震密集的板塊交界帶上,而有豐富的地震資料。加上,近年來不同觀測網的建立,讓台灣能夠擁有包覆度很高的地震監測網。在具備了上述條件之下,這個新的Vp/Vs值計算方法是非常適合在台灣地區進行測試的。但是,考量到台灣地下構造的複雜程度與前人所研究的美國南加州區域有明顯差異,必須先對這個新的方法針對不同的因素、參數與區域進行測試。之後,才能將測試結果應用在台灣的相似地震序列的波形資料上。因此,本研究對不同的因素與參數進行測試,加上修改前人所發展的回歸方法,成功地將迴歸流程使用在真實的相似地震資料上,並計算出了高精準度的Vp/Vs值。與震波層析成像的結果一起分析時,本研究發現在south(甲仙區域)的地震群,Vp/Vs值與前人的結果十分相似,也暗示了新方法在台灣地區的可行性。與此同時,east2(花蓮外海區域)的結果則有明顯不同,我們推測原因可能是兩個方法本身解析程度上就有差異,地下構造中流體、裂隙與不同的岩相等相對微小的變化,可能無法被傳統的震波層析成像所解析。另一方面,未來我們可以收集大量的相似波形資料,並配合本研究的資料處理流程,來計算台灣不同地區的Vp/Vs資料,以提供後續的研究使用。


In general, variations in Vp/Vs ratios may be determined by using tomographic methods. However, the resolution of local Vp/Vs ratios from tomography is usually limited due to the coarse grid sizes and the regularization operation. Lin and Shearer (2007) proposed that the Vp/Vs ratios could also be estimated within similar earthquake clusters from measuring the P and S differential arrival times with waveform cross-correlation. This technique potentially has higher resolution than typical tomographic inversion method. Benefited by the dense seismic network and high seismicity, Taiwan region is very suitable place for applying this approach to determine Vp/Vs. But the complexity of the geological structure in Taiwan is very different from the Southern California. To consider the effect of different parameter and factor on this new method, synthetic test is used on the similar earthquake cluster in Taiwan region to examine this approach. Also, a robust misfit function method is modified from the previous study to compute Vp/Vs ratios for both synthetic datasets and similar earthquake clusters. In comparison with the results from the latest tomographic model, Vp/Vs ratio of one cluster(Jiaxian area) is very consistent with our result. On the other hand, Vp/Vs ratio of another cluster(Hualian area) is very different from tomographic model. It may indicate the different resolution between two methods, in which, conventional tomographic method may not be able to resolve small scale of heterogeneity. Furthermore, data processing in this study may be used to estimate Vp/Vs ratio for further study or future work in different area.


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