  • 學位論文


A Study of Choosing Strategic Partner of New Product Development in Textile Industry

指導教授 : 陳達仁


台灣紡織業的競爭環境至今仍然無法與大陸及東南亞等其他國家比,舉凡人力成本、電費、政府市場貨幣政策的支持與關稅等等均劣勢於其他開發中或已開發的國家,故台灣整體紡織業在產業裡的競爭力無法超越其他國家,而台灣紡織業面對這樣的困境與壓力下選擇了將工廠外移到諸多成本更低的國家,而卻也面臨到了在當地無法與擁有地主優勢的紡織業者競爭的窘境。   進不得退不得的境況下,紡織業將目光放在針織布料本身的設計開發與突破,試圖針對市場消費者的需求做各種的應對改變,而這樣的實行方法近來在特殊針織布領域裡的開發也到一個飽和階段,舉凡發熱衣、清涼衣等等已問世、亦已降低製造成本使其量產,竟已面臨到無新產品新概念的景況。而漸漸成熟與奈米化的生物科技使紡織業有了新的想法,創新出了「膠原蛋白紡織品」這樣的突破性產品,取得了專利,這樣的專利技術產品不容易被模仿與取代,才有競爭優勢。   話雖如此,有了好的產品,卻不保證產品推出會得到巨大的利潤與使紡織業獲得成功的先例繼以將此成功範本承祀下去,本論文將討論策略夥伴之選擇,以許多文獻中找出四大構面,設計問卷進行研究,最後得到四大構面的權重順序,做一結論,在選取台灣國內知名紡織公司,台元紡織股份有限公司在新機能纖維紗線開發成功後如何去選擇供應鏈中管理合作之策略夥伴中之方法,讓上下游策略整合的方式將長尾效應減到最低、效益最大化的過程,並將大量客製化(Mass-Customization)應用到產品上的策略管理過程。   本論文將深入訪談國內成長與成熟兼備的傳產紡織產業個案企業-台元紡織股份有限公司開發出膠原蛋白纖維紗線後進行策略夥伴選擇之過程,個案中,將以此選擇策略夥伴流程的過程及條件以MCDM來探討並設計出訪談問卷,進行專家訪談,讓個案完整的成功經驗過程能完整呈現。   經過訪談研究與分析,分析台元紡織股份有限公司的夥伴策略競爭管理、企業宏觀環境與製程特性有必要的相互關係及影響,本研究的結論將增加紡織產品研發後夥伴選擇之策略管理的成功,期望能帶來新的屬於台灣的紡織業經濟奇蹟。


The environment of Taiwan textile industry remains less competitive in comparison with China or East South Asia countries, such as human resource, electricity fee, monetary policy and custom tax. Many Taiwan makers moved to other developing countries to lower cost, while still facing difficulties of could not stand the same level as local maker. Due to difficult environment, Taiwan textile industry focuses on R&D of textile fabric to satisfy consumer’s demand and has become saturated, such as heat-generated fabric or cool fabric. Taiwanese textile companies also provide low cost and big scale manufacturing. The maturity of nano technology in biotech also provide opportunities for textile business, stimulated the revolution of “collagen inside textiles”, in which companies could get the patent to prevent the imitation. This research is focused on the importance of strategic partners. According to the literature review, we used 4 criteria to design the questionnaires and to evaluate the weight sequence of each scope. In this case study, we aim to investigate TAI YUEN TEXTILE CO., LTD and its strategic partners management procedure of supply chain during new functional yarn development, by up-downstream strategy integration, narrow the long tail impact, maximum the profit and mass –customization. In this case study, we employ MCDM criteria to investigate and design the questionnaire to study the strategic partners procedure via expert interview, to represent the entire success experience in the case study. After the interview and research, we found out that the strategic partners competitive management, enterprise macro environment and manufacture features show a positive correlation. This research can help to better understand the success of R&D strategic partner’s management and hope to bring new ideas for Taiwan textile industry.


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