  • 學位論文

台灣電爐鋼鐵廠經營績效 兼論政府鋼鐵產業政策

The Operating Performance of Taiwan Electric Arc Furnace Producer And the Government’s Industry Policy

指導教授 : 李存修


鋼鐵工業有「工業之母」的稱謂,被視為國力的象徵,主要國家全力支持該國的鋼鐵產業為其軸心,並進一步發展產業。本研究透過對鋼鐵產業中電爐鋼鐵業的瞭解,分析國內外主要電爐鋼鐵廠經營績效、財務結構、現金流量等財務指標來探討台灣廠商競爭力、電爐鋼鐵產業未來經營的危機、個別廠商因應能力及政府對此重要工業的產業政策。 從本研究我們可以發現,台灣電爐鋼鐵業領導廠商之優勢來自大型化電爐的規模經濟、製程創新與流程重新設計所帶來的成本競爭力,並在獲利能力、財務結構等財務指標是可與國外電爐大廠匹敵。但企業的長期成長價值及信念等非財務因素卻沒有如同財務指標形成競爭優勢。 台灣電爐鋼鐵產業為一成熟且走向衰退的產業,現又面臨ECFA的後續相關談判後市場將全面開放,為因應此情勢,本研究認為電爐鋼鐵業領導廠商應追求市場區隔及差異化以因應危機,並進軍海外複製成功經驗,以追求長期成長的價值。 政府對此重要工業的產業政策應加速排除障礙、積極推動與貿易夥伴國簽署FTA/ECA,以利拓展市場。建立機制鼓勵合併,輔導老舊電爐鋼廠汰舊換新,並加速擴大公共建設及內需以帶動經濟動能。


The aim of this thesis is to identify the challenges and opportunities of Taiwan steel industry, especially in the area of electric arc furnace steel industry, and to make recommendation to the government and industry players for future consideration. Data for this study were collected through various industry resources, including annual reports, government industrial policy, steel association data, publications, articles, other thesis, etc. In addition, the companies selected for the research covered both Taiwan and foreign companies across five countries in order to find out the consistency as well as the divergence. The thesis analyzed the financial data and the non-financial characters of each comparable company. The thesis further analyzed the government’s steel industry policies to see whether such policies fulfill current market trends and industry needs. On the basis of the results of this study, it shows that competitive advantages of Taiwan electric arc furnace companies come from the structure economy and process innovation and therefore is competitive to those global foreign players in terms of financial benchmarks. The non-financial characteristic then becomes the critical factor for future success. Furthermore, the government’s industry policy shall be reexamined in order to accelerate market expansion, expand public construction and boost the economy momentum.


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7. 黃群,全球併購趨勢下台灣大鋼廠競合策略,國立台灣大學管理學院會計與管理決策組碩士論文,(2006)
2. Robert M. Grant, CONTEMPORARY STRATEGY ANALYSIS,6TH Edition.(2011)
3. World Steel Association, STATISTICS-CRUDE STEEL PRODUCTION.(2014)
